* kiss my blog

Friday, September 07, 2001

you know, i feel like i'm still basically talking to myself here, but oh well, here goes another blog.

so the biggest thing that happened today? mum discovered tattoo #2. it was right when we were about to go out shopping. we were standing in the kitchen and i was reading the newspaper and my mom was behind me closing the blinds. i was wearing a black sleeveless shirt, so it covered up the tattoo quite a bit except there was a tiiiiny bit of the moon towards the top that was peeking out. i thought my hair would cover it, so i decided to risk it. yeah, turned out i shouldn't have. but oh well. i wasn't holding much hope in hiding this one for very long especially since it's in a MUCH more visible location than my first one. anyway, mom looked a little annoyed and tut-tutted and said, "well, don't get anymore!!" and that was that. didn't blow up at me or anything. still went shopping. got a cute little black dress.

you know, the reason i think she didn't blow up at me both times she found out about my tattoos is because well, frankly, i could be out there doing A LOT worse things than getting a couple of cute tattoos and she knows that. i could be stealing, drinking my brains out, failing all my classes, getting pregnant, etc. i think she's just grateful that i'm a good student at a good university with good friends unlike some people that we know who shall remain nameless but i'm pretty sure some people know who i'm talking about. that was a VERY bad sentence grammar-wise. so was that last one.

aaaaanyway...i feel totally unprepared. i was just thinking...i have like no time left. moving back to san diego on the 15th. which basically leaves me a little over a week. i need to PACK. i need to pack my ass off. wait, that last sentence doesn't sound right either. eh. and i still need to buy a bunch of school supplies. no way am i buying notebooks and pencils and stuff at the book store when costco exists. the only thing i'm buying at the book store are my books. oh, shoot, which reminds me, i need to borrow someone's senior year AP physics book. the giancoli one. *writes post-it note to herself and sticks it on the monitor*

hey, i just heard jo get into her car outside. too lazy to go look outside though. aaaarrrrgh, my tattoo is starting to peel. it's terribly irritating. i was picking at it while we were watching the vma's tonight and jo kept telling me to stop. which i guess is fair since i kept slapping her arm whenever she picked at her scab.

hmm...what else happened today? oh yeah! me, jo, ha, and jacq went shopping to buy food and supplies for the party this weekend. we went to costco first to get all the major stuff then headed to albertson's to get the rest. then we got into a loud argument in the produce section. jo thought that getting one head of lettuce wouldn't be enough to feed over fifty people (for hamburgers) and jacq and ha said that not everyone eats lettuce and jo kept asking me "doesn't one head of lettuce for fifty people sound ridiculous?!" so we had a loud "discussion" about lettuce in the middle of the produce section and this middle-aged guy walks by, looks at us, and throws in his two cents, "it's always better to have more lettuce than less" and jo said, "SEE???" and then the guy walked away. incidentally, we ended up getting two heads of lettuce.

oh god. i've just had an epiphany. my life is DULL. DULL DULL DULL DULLDULLDULLDULLLLLLL. i can't believe i just blogged about lettuce. anyway, must get up early tomorrow. well, today. going to berkeley AGAIN. uuuuuggghhh...need sleep.


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