uuuuggghhh...can't. stop. COUGHING. well, actually, yes i can, but it still hurts. :( i have so much phlegm, it's gross. that's an interesting word - phlegm. it looks nothing like the way it's pronounced. anyway, i should totally be doing my physics homework right now. but all i wanna do is stare at the tv or perhaps close my eyes and lay down in my bed and not move.
ooh, i made pancakes for dinner today!! it was the first time i made pancakes too. ;) well, actually, when i was little, i used to mix the batter for my mom but she would always pour it onto the pan and do the whole flipping thing. the first pancake i made tonight turned out really funky looking. but whatever, i figured it all goes down the same way. but the other three came out not so bad looking. and when i actually ate it...yummmm...tastiness. ;)
anyway, physics is sitting on my lap. i'd rather bash my head into the wall. i think the reason i'm not caring so much is cuz i'm taking physics pass/no pass. yeah, yeah, yeah, i still need to do my homework. bleh. ;[
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