* kiss my blog

Tuesday, November 13, 2001

i am breaking out. I AM BREAKING OUT. and my computer is not working. something's wrong with my ie. i can't open my browser normally; i have to actually click on one of my bookmarked links and then it'll open ie for me. but can't worry about fixing it right now (hah, who am i kidding, i can't fix it. what i meant to say is i can't bother to have someone else fix it for me at the moment) because i still have not completed my italian book which i need to in order to write my italian paper which is DUE TOMORROW. and i have to wake up at 7 am to register for classes. can my life get any suckier at the moment? (oh god, it can, can't it? i just jinxed myself, didn't i? oh god oh god...*knocks on wood* *throws salt over her shoulder* *spins around three times*)

at least i had some good vietnamese food today. my vietnamese teacher is a funny lady. she reminds me a lot of my mother. she's actually a historian which is what my mother wanted to be when she was growing up in vietnam. and like my mother, she has funny ideas like having a potluck. i mean, not that it's a funny idea, it just seems strange when you're in college to be having a potluck in your class, you know? but whatever. there was lots of good food today. people surprisingly liked my cookies (okay, rather, i should say one person did. but no one else tried it! they just took them at the end when everyone was leaving which is totally fine with me). okay, you know what? i realize that i exaggerate a lot. oh well. i baked those cookies really quickly last night. i was surprised i didn't burn them like i did that one time with shirley. it was so funny. we weren't even making them from scratch. we had that thing where it's already pre-cut into those little squares for you and you just break it apart, stick it on a pan, and throw the pan into the oven. yeah, me and shirley managed to ruin a whole batch. so i was kind of wary about baking the cookies last night, but they turned out totally fine. a little too hard for my liking, but at least they weren't burnt. anyway, i don't know what all the food we had was called but it was good. very very good.

okay, should probably get back to my italian paper, or actually, italian reading, right now. I AM BREAKING OUT.


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