* kiss my blog

Monday, January 28, 2002

hi. i'm skipping vietnamese again. i really shouldn't do this too often. but i just don't feel like going (again) today. so...yeah.

oh, and i have decided to drop psycholinguistics. that class is just not interesting to me at all. the lectures make no sense whatsoever. i'm so disappointed though because i thought that class would be really interesting. but it turns out that it focuses more on the linguistics aspect rather than the psychology aspect which i don't like (since it's primarily grammar that we're learning at the moment and grammar is just gross). i'm also annoyed that i missed the date to sell back books to the bookstore so now i have to wait till they offer the class again and try to sell my book back to someone then, assuming, that is, that they'll use the same book. grrr...and i also spent like hecka money to make copies of these articles the professor put on reserve at the library. i spent like $10 making copies! geez. speaking of the professor, i don't much care for him either. his lectures are too fast-paced and make absolutely no sense at all.

well...on the bright side of things, this means i don't have to take the midterm this thursday and it also makes my finals schedule a lot nicer. originally, i had two finals back to back on the friday of finals week - stat from 8 am to 11 am, then psycholinguistics from 1130-230. i won't be going nuts on thursday night trying to study for two finals. plus, i'd have more time on friday to pack and clean and whatnot since my flight is at 730 pm. and, well...it'll just make my quarter easier all-around. but then again, i feel guilty for only taking three classes; i feel like i'm wasting my time or something. but then again (yeah, i realized i just said that twice), i don't REALLY need to be taking psycholinguistics. yeah, it's an upper-div psych class, but i don't have to take this particular one. i only chose this one because it wasn't full and it didn't require stat as a prereq unlike every other upper-div psych class and i just wanted a fourth class so i wouldn't feel guilty for only taking three AND i thought it would be interesting. i was actually excited to take this class. goes to show you what an absolute dork/geek/retard i am. and now i'm sitting here writing a really boring blog that everyone's going to skip reading. if you've gotten down this far, i salute you. well, no, not really, i just think you're cool.

anyway...i just had to write about this because you know how things seem clearer sometimes when you just write about something? maybe not, but this helps a little. i'm going to go drop the class now. bye psycholinguistics.


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