* kiss my blog

Monday, February 18, 2002

okay. the figure skating nerd is going to emerge again. sorry you guys. can't help it.

so i'm watching the ice dancing free skate right now. anissina & peizerat just skated. another thing i hate about figure skating: the RETARDED commentators. grrrr...i hate when general sports commentators try to comment on figure skating because they just end up repeating themselves and the commentators that were ACTUAL figure skaters and know what they heck they're talking about, and coming up with the stupidest opinions because they know NOTHING about figure skating. GRRRR!! tom hammond is a brainless moron. he can't even pronounce the freaking names correctly!! bah...oh well. i'm such a geek. only satisfaction i get is that...hmm...don't want to say because deb might read and not want to know. but...i'm sure she wouldn't care if she found out who won before she watched (right, deb? *hears deb's voice in her head say, "yes, cher."*) anyway, what i was going to say is that the only satisfaction i get is that anissina & peizerat won the gold medal! TAKE THAT YOU STUPID BRAINLESS IDIOT MORON.

ooh, okay, italians on the ice, bye now.


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