* kiss my blog

Friday, March 22, 2002

ohmygod...look at my horoscope (from smarterchild):

Here's your Capricorn horoscope for Friday, March 22nd, provided by AstroAdvice
"Arguments will lead to physical injury. Do not take criticism too personally. Your financial situation will suffer if you expand your interests too quickly."

it's just the first sentence that worries me; i don't care about the rest of it. oh well, emode has better news for me:

"With the silly mood you're in this week, Capricorn, things could get a little goofy. In fact, you might find yourself laughing at the oddest things. This is exactly what a workhorse like you needs — some random weirdness to lighten your load. Just make sure you're letting your friends in on the joke, otherwise they might feel they're being laughed at!"

hmm...i wonder what the onion has to say...

Capricorn: (Dec. 22—Jan. 19)
"You will feel clearer and more organized but somehow less vital when the story of your life is professionally copy-edited."

...huh? oh, look, there's a horoscope.com...

"If something doesn't go according to plan don't worry about it. Time is on your side and the longer you wait the better. It may be best to back off for the time being."

AH HAH!! see?! i KNEW it was okay for me to procrastinate. finally found some proof... "the longer you WAIT..." yeah, i know i'm gonna kill myself when grades come in. consequences shmonsequences....shmonsequences...hahahaha....that sounds so funny.

oh, look, it's 330 am. four and a half hours until stat final...


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