you know, i've noticed that i don't get sick of things very easily. and when i say things, i mean food. :) if i really like a certain food, i'll keep eating it for like, forever. like, take right now as an example. over the weekend, i ordered two large pizzas for myself. the reason for this is a very asian one: one large was $14.58 while, two larges were $14.99. yeah, you do the math. so i just ordered two larges and obviously, i can't eat that much in one night, so i've basically been eating pizza all week now. now i know some (okay, maybe all) of you out there are going, "eew, you're disgusting, cherry." but what did i just say? i don't get sick of things (food) very easily. i don't know if that's a good thing or not. anyone remember my pringles obssession last year? then there was the laffy taffy and the bj's (an expensive addiction) and the snickers and the starbursts and the cheese puffs (ooooh, the cheeeeeese puuuuuffs).
anyway, i have to go cram some more for my vietnamese test now. bye.
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