* kiss my blog

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

jaycsee: hrm..I'm gonna pull a cherry tonight.
jaycsee: no showering
jaycsee: for two days.
chrispy ha: O_o
crazy spinster: why can't "pull a cherry" have a positive connotation to it?
crazy spinster: like, ever.
crazy spinster: freshman year, it meant falling up the stairs
crazy spinster: now, it means not showering.
chrispy ha: dude
chrispy ha: "pull a ha" or "pull a christina"
chrispy ha: is not good either =P
crazy spinster: why can't "pull a cherry" mean "smell like a garden of roses"?
jaycsee: well..once you start smelling like a garden of roses then we'll say that's what pulling a cherry is.
jaycsee: wait..what is pulling a ha?
chrispy ha: usually spilling food
crazy spinster: HEY
jaycsee: hahaha
jaycsee: not that you smell bad
crazy spinster: white lie
jaycsee: i'm just saying..you don't smell like a garden of roses
jaycsee: you could smell like brownies
crazy spinster: do i?
jaycsee: you could smell like..deodorant
jaycsee: actually I don't know what you smell like
jaycsee: remember, bad sense of smell
jaycsee: youcould smell like crazy and I wouldn't notice.
crazy spinster: yes, pulling a ha frequently means missing your mouth when eating while at the same time looking deceptively dainty.
chrispy ha: yeahyeah
chrispy ha: it's only aroudn you guys, i tell you
crazy spinster: whatever.
jaycsee: sure, ha.
jaycsee: sure.


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