do you ever get the feeling that something has suddenly crawled up your butt and you don't know what it is?
well, this has nothing to do with butts, but i thought this was a pretty funny article about some old wives tales on how you can determine your unborn baby's sex even before conception. here are some of my favorites:
If You Want a Boy... Lie down after sex and stay there for a while. Supposedly that gives the boy sperm a chance to beat the girl sperm to the egg.
heehee...i can just imagine some little boy sperm shoving some little girl sperm away on his mad dash to the egg. you know, i probably wouldn't have such a graphic imagination if i hadn't watched amelie so many times.
If You Want a Boy... Follow the compass -- one of our users swears that pointing the woman's head north while you make love guarantees a boy.
Some old wives say a man's testicles should be cool before you have sex if you want a daughter; for a son, warm them up.
you know, wouldn't that just take all the fun out of sex? "oh you know what dear? i'd really like a girl so could you cool your testicles first please?" oh, and here's something about how to determine the sex of your baby AFTER conception.
The Drano Test
Some people believe that you can predict your baby's sex by mixing your urine with a little Drano. (The resulting color is supposed to be the key, but no one seems to be able to agree on which color means which sex.) Please don't try this. Not only is there nothing in Drano that would indicate a baby's gender, but mixing the chemicals in these two substances can produce dangerous fumes or even an explosion.
hahahaha...could you just imagine some poor woman peeing in drano and having her bathroom like blow up?
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