* kiss my blog

Wednesday, November 13, 2002


as of right now, i am class-less next quarter. you know...kind of like homeless, but lacking classes instead of a home. two of the classes i want to take are full and the psych department doesn't honor wait lists which means you need to go to the department in person to get added. and the other two classes i want to take require department approval which means i can't sign up for them online and have to go the department in person (again) to get approved. and i don't even know if i CAN get approved for those two classes. so...i'm basically class-less for next quarter. because, seriously, the rest of the psych classes are either full, require department approval, or just plain SUCK.

you know...i'm starting to get a little concerned here. what if i can't get into ANY classes next quarter? i mean, i'm gonna have to enroll in at least one class, no matter how sucky sucky sucky it is, just so that i don't get like, kicked out of ucsd or something, but still. what if i can't get into any classes i WANT? what do i do?? what do i do??? what. do. i. DO.


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