* kiss my blog

Tuesday, January 07, 2003

after a crap-ass day yesterday, i had a not bad one today. pretty good, almost.

so, first off: highlight of my day - met a cute guy from new zealand while waiting in line at the psych department. didn't even notice his accent at first, it was so subtle. but once i noticed it...mmm...i love how he said "berkeley." um...i sorta forgot to get his name though. but that's okay! he was cute. well, not cute, more handsome. ruggedly so. mmm...doubt i'll ever see him again, but that's okay.

and then the day just got better from there. so i didn't get into the honors program, but whatever. i'm actually sorta glad i didn't get in because i would've been under so much pressure to do well. but i still got into advanced stat. the psych advisor was nice and let me enroll in the class. but i have to get an A- or else i won't be allowed to continue (it's a series). but that's okay because i plan on working my ass off this quarter. so now i have two classes! and one of them is psych!!

but wait! there's more!! so i went to this interview thingy for a psych 199 position. it's not a class; you basically help professors, grad students, or faculty members run their experiments. but it's really good experience for going into experimental psychology and grad school. and the experiment that this prof is running sounds really interesting. it's about how people are affected by other people such as family, friends, etc and who affects them the most. the interview went pretty well (okay, so it was more like he was talking and i just nodded and smiled) and he said that i'm pretty much in if i want it which...i do. and i'll get units for it too!

so yay! good day. much better than yesterday. had such a bad day yesterday that i baked a big, gooey chocolate cake with lots of chocolate frosting and drowned my sorrows in it. or...well...whatever the equivalent would be for food. but today i ate some more of the cake in order to celebrate my good day. i think i will continue my celebration by knitting. :)


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