* kiss my blog

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

in a wild fit of procrastination (and nostalgia), i was just looking back at some old high school yearbooks. i love reading what people wrote in them. it reminds me of all the stupid things we used to do. i totally forgot that i started dancing on the lawn in my 50's outfit just outside of deb, clay, and mar's math class during their presentation junior year. but thanks to what clay wrote, i just remembered it in all its weirdness. and here's a funny excerpt from christina chen from soph year:

but seriously though, you (aside from sandy and margaret) made me laugh so much! i know if i stuck with you, i'd live until 98 years old. of course, then you'd probably burp in my face and i'd die of the ammonia.

i don't know if i should be flattered or not...


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