* kiss my blog

Wednesday, October 29, 2003

well. the air quality is much better today. i can actually see blue sky outside. we've been living with this gross, smoky, muddy sky for three days straight now, it's almost weird to see a normal sky.

unfortunately, this also means that classes will start up again tomorrow. boo. and i just realized last night that my 179 class has a midterm next wednesday. the thing is, this class only meets once a week on wednesdays. today's class was cancelled so i have no idea if we're going to still have the midterm next week. argh. and now i need to start studying for my 180 midterm which is the day right after the 179 midterm. ARGH.

oh well. at least we can breathe again.

oh yeah, last night was fun. since classes were cancelled today, me, helen, sanaz, and melissa decided to have a few drinks last night. ben and mike joined us. i taught them all how to play the naked game. yes, the naked game is spreading. it was pretty funny, as usual. especially when you're buzzed and think everything is funny. unfortunately, ben mike and helen beat me mel and sanaz twice. but we beat them at cranium afterwards. although helen was on our team then. it was just a fun night. finally passed out around 2 am which seemed so late. aww...so old.


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