so our internet has been down since 6 pm last night. that would explain my freakish absence from the glorious world of aim last night and today (if anyone even noticed). it was horrible, really. my roommates laughed at me while i began to display all the classic symptoms of withdrawal - sweating, nervous tics, weeping, etc. so i came home from class today, called tech support, and was told to merely unplug and replug the modem and router and then restart my comp. i felt so dumb when it actually worked. but whatever. yay!
today in my abnormal childhood psychology class, we learned about an eating disorder called pica. basically, it's when children ingest inedible substances (e.g., hair, paint chips, insects, etc). at this point, helen whispered to me that she used to eat drywall when she was little. apparently, she would take her parent's corkscrew wine opener, jam it into the wall, pull it out, and eat all the drywall. i started laughing in class.
glad the week's over. well... still debating whether or not i should go into the lab tomorrow to code some data. i really don't want to but i haven't done any coding so i feel guilty. guilt does wonders to you. blah.
anyway. off to eat more chocolate. bye.
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