yes yes, everyone's blogs are boring, including mine.
i suppose you're right, jen. it is a boring time of year. which you wouldn't think seeing as how all these graduations are happening. i feel like graduation is just so... anti-climactic. i don't know. i agree with debra - graduations are overrated. i almost don't want to go to mine because it's at 8 am. i mean, c'mon - 8 am?? what?! and we have to be there an hour early in order to line up. man, i'm going to fall asleep at my own college graduation. oh well.
midterm today was okay. dreading the midterm next week. but whatever. i'll worry about that once i'm back in san diego after the weekend. ;D
internet went all crazy again today. this is ridiculous. the heat shouldn't be affecting our internet like this. luckily, it's starting to cool down. still though - time warner roadrunner internet sucks. the heat was killing me last night too. it took me forever to fall asleep because i was so uncomfortable. had to keep my fan on all night.
aww... leah included me in her list of 10 good friends! i'm touched. :) i would do that survey looks like a lot. and i'm lazy. but for the record - leah would totally be on my list of good friends as well. :)
wow, is this a boring blog or what. wake me up when life gets more interesting.
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