* kiss my blog

Sunday, February 27, 2005

thank you, halls fruit breezers.

i think i caught ashley's cough and cold. i had a sore throat when i woke up on friday and managed to exacerbate it by singing loud karaoke that night for mike and david's birthdays. but it was so much fun! too bad i couldn't sleep that night cuz my throat hurt so much and i woke up the next morning a cranky bitch.

but the halls fruit breezers are surprisingly good. i'm usually quite wary of cough drops because they always taste so bad. especially the robitussins. but the halls fruit breezers (cool berry!) are the best ones i've ever had. and they work quite well. and i hate getting medicine because there are just TOOOOO many to choose from. it's always such a headache having to compare active ingredients on all of them and then trying to figure out which ones would help me the best (because i'm a good consumer like that). but the tylenol cough & sore throat i got worked pretty well. and the taste wasn't TOO bad (cool burst!). plus it was nighttime so it helped me sleep a lot better than the night before.

so...there are my medicine recommendations if you ever come down with a sore throat and a bad cough. although, i'm trying to treat my cough and sore throat now before things can get any worse. i still feel like crap though. my hearing is all muffled and i have that annoying tickle in the back of my throat. the irony is, now that i'm really sick, i can't cancel tutoring because i've already cancelled several times saying i was sick (obviously, i wasn't). oh, and to add to my cold and coughing misery, i've got TWO cold sores now. they're not too bad; just really big nuisances. it's like my mouth and throat have rebelled against me. argh.

anyway, friday was pretty fun. started the night out with steven, deb, david, and mike. went to tgi friday's for a (kinda) quick dinner. then it was up to oakland for drinking at porn palace. the soju was good but i didn't really feel like drinking too much. david got a bit loopy. but he did drink most of the alcohol. debby and sophia met up with us there too. and then we walked over to nrb for karaoke. too bad it's all the way in oakland because it does have the best song selection of all the karaoke places we've been to. i had a lot of fun karaokeing! we all sang pretty loudly so i'm sure that didn't help my throat any. but it was a lot of fun!

today, i bought the christian dior girly boston bag from ebay. i don't really want to say how much i paid for it since it's a lot more than i usually pay for purses, but it was definitely a lot less than the $725 retail price. so i'm happy. well actually, we'll see how happy i am when i get the bag. if i'm getting the bag that was pictured, then i will be happy. it's most likely a fake, but as long as it doesn't LOOK too fake, then it's okay.

why is this rain back? why?? i'm so sick of rain. sigh.


  • At 3:37 PM, Blogger Manhattanite said…

    I've been living on Halls fruit breezers the past few days! They're so good.. and they actually work. I feel mostly okay (meaning I can function), but my throat is really sore. Hope you feel better soon!

  • At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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