tom cruise sucks.
Cruise Launches War on Psychiatrists
Tom Cruise has declared a public war on psychiatrists because he fears the "pseudo-science" has led to a drug-fuelled crisis for today's children. The movie hunk was diagnosed as dyslexic when he was just seven, and doctors suggested he should take drugs to control his learning problems. Memories of that part of his childhood fuelled Cruise to seek alternative ways of overcoming his dyslexia - a problem that led him to the Church of Scientology's educational programs. Becoming a scientologist in 1984 made the actor look closely at the controversial religion's anti-psychiatry stance, and he has since become a firm believer that the science and the medicating of children is wrong. Speaking exclusively to US news show Access Hollywood as part of a week-long special about his scientology beliefs, the movie hunk declares, "I'm going right after psychiatry and these false labels and this pseudo-science. I was diagnosed as dyslexic; I had a lot of energy as a child. They wanted to put me on drugs... Never did; my mother said no, absolutely not, no way and I'm thankful. Had I been put on those drugs, I never would be here today... I never would have had the career that I'm having. Am I making people aware of it by discussing it openly and saying what a fraud psychiatry is? You bet I am. I feel a responsibility because I care..." The actor also maintains that poor results in education in America can be blamed on mind-altering drugs that are given to children. He adds, "SAT (exam) scores have gone right down the toilet. The parents are blaming the teachers, the teachers are blaming the parents and the psychs are putting everyone on drugs."
yeah... when did tom cruise turn into a raving cultish freak? leah brought this up on her blog too, but i felt compelled to join her in ranting about him. he claims that brooke shields didn't need paxil to cure her post-natal depression. all she needed were vitamins. vitamins! i mean, c'mon, that's just so stupid, it's funny. so how would he suggest we treat schizophrenia? with mineral water? oh, and apparently low SAT scores have nothing to do with the fact that the government doesn't contribute enough to education; it's just all the bad psychiatrists' fault. is this guy serious? blaming low SAT scores on psychiatry? i suppose gangs and teenage sex and STDs are psychiatry's fault as well. he's worse than madonna with her kabbalah. or even mel gibson with his catholicism. and at least those two are real religions. yeah, i went there; i said it. scientology is such a crock. even the name of the "religion" is a misnomer. science? what science? turn off dr. phil and read a fucking psychology journal you close-minded prick. actually, as much as i loathe dr. phil, i would love to see him kick tom cruise's shrimpy ass.
you know, i kind of have the same opinion of him as i do with britney spears. i think her music is catchy and fun to listen to (total guilty pleasure) but i personally think she's a skanky trashy whore. same with tom cruise. makes good movies but is a total ignorant asshole. but what gets me the most is that he's making all these public statements about psychiatry and making these ridiculous claims about it being a "pseudo science" when, guess what, he's just a fucking actor. keep your day job, loser. also, i feel like the actual stance of "anti-psychiatry" is just a little bit ridiculous. it's like being "anti-physics" or "anti-chemistry." i don't believe in physics! we don't need gravity or momentum! all we need are vitamins!!
oh, and does anyone else notice that his wives and girlfriends are getting younger? tom cruise has issues. run, katie, run!! nicole and penelope got away. you still have a chance! he's one step away from becoming a cult leader. don't look directly at his smile. it'll blind and fool you.
okay, [/rant]. i'll blog about my awesome week in ny and post up pictures soon!
oh, ps: incidentally, while we were in new york, we walked by the scientology celebrity centre on our way to...somewhere (i forget where). kinda says a lot about this "religion," doesn't it?
At 6:10 PM,
Manhattanite said…
That'd be the perfect Celebrity Death Match. Tom Cruise vs Dr Phil. I can't stand either of them. It would be so... carthartic to see their clay likenesses kill each other.
At 9:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh if I could just kick him right in the butt. I have been battling mental illness for 4 years now. I would like him to deal with some of the crap I deal with. Bipolar is not a fun thing. Let him walk a day with my brain and then lets see what he thinks. I need my Lithium and Paxil to control my urges to smack stupid people like him. This is another display of iggnorance and intollerance.
At 11:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
I hate him for ruining "A Few Good Men" with the most loud, obnoxious, hammy, mugging, screechy overacting I've ever seen in my life.
At 1:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
I joined the Church of Appliancetology. It was started by Frank Zappa. We find "hot" appliances and floog them until they short out, then we get new ones. Sounds a lot like what Cruise's into, don't it!
At 8:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
would you agree that some people are too quickly medicated for issues that could be treated in alternative ways and even when medication is necessary, finding the right medication mix for treating bipolar is an inexact science at best? we have to get past the black and white back and forth and move toward answers for the grey areas here..psychiatrists have one hammer in their toolkit, write an rx...if you go to them with a mental health issue, most of them will rx it as if it is a medical issue...let's have the deeper more complex discussion here... shields' and cruise's media grabbing back and forth only muddy the "deeper issues" waters more...would love your comments on the more penetrating answers...
At 7:09 PM,
me said…
tom's a nut.
At 10:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Man, does he suck. It's easy to naysay but what real-world experience does he have? The guy fucking lives in a dreamworld, and we're all supposed to actually take his advice on mental illness. I think he is more delusional than people who are diagnosed! Fuck him...two times. Guess what Tom, people and yes even some kids need medication. It isn't an exact science and mistakes are made, but more people are helped than hindered. He should just stick to making mediocre movies and pretending to be a heterosexual.
At 10:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dr Tom Cruise.. sorry I missed the part where you got your license to practice @#$%ing @!!#%le!! it's wonderful that you have$100,00 to spend on a psudo pyrmid church and follow the dogma of a science fiction writer.. but some of use choose science.
At 1:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Any man who has to display his love for someone on Oprah in such an O.T.T. way IS hiding something.I know, I used to be in the closet myself and ANYTHING to take the focus away from my "dysfunction" was applied. It's funny that it's all so close to his latest movie release, must be worried about the box office and has anyone else noticed how 'antsy' he gets when he's not in control of a situation or recently the people doing interviews with him. Its a case of agree or Fear my wrath! Lets face it, it's only a matter of time before the world realises he is a small man with a big nose!
At 8:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Does Tom Cruise even know what the pre or post synaptic junction is, let alone what happens there?
At 6:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
Few celebs successfully manage their off-screen relationships and families. Few are suitable role models. Why do we clamor for their advice? Why do we seek to emulate them? Just because they're provided a pulpit doesn't mean we should listen to their exhortations. They're people, not better or worse than those of us who comprise the nameless, faceless masses. Before heeding anyone's advice, we must consider the source.
At 3:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
The only good movie Tom Cruise ever made in his whole career was "Risky Business". This movie was made before Tom's ego grew into the inflated self-stoking blue whale it is today. (and has been for the past 20 years). The church of Scientology IS complete and total garbage. Here is why: It was founded by L. Ron Hubbard. Remember him? He's the guy who wrote "Battlefield Earth" and "Dianetics". As everyone remembers, Battlefield Earth was regarded as one of the worst movies ever made, and Dianetics is mental masturbation for ignorant clods who view themselves as intellectuals. The "Church" of Scientology is not really a church at all. A church must follow a distinct RELIGION, and preferably not be founded by cheesy third-rate sci-fi writers. Tom, like all the other Hollywood pseudo-intellectual Scientologists was easy prey for L. Ron Hubbard. What do they say about cults? That they prey on the lost, and the weak-minded? That's Tom Cruise alright.
At 6:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
tom cruise is the worst person on the planet. why do all these hollwood fucks think they know what theyre talking about. I mean all these celebrites are talking about saving the world if we contribute, but why the fuck arent they contributing more? They have millions. if all the celebrities gave half of there money to feed the hungry there wouldnt be world hunger. so shut the fuck up and put your money where your mouth is. I also heard tom cruise is suing the makers of south park for joking about him being gay. they make fun of everyone on southpark why isnt he secure enough about himself that he can laugh about it. and scientology is a cult of uneducated morons.
At 6:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
I move that we boycot all tom cruise movies from now on. fuck that fucker!!!!!
At 4:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
If, what you quote was all that Cruise stands for, I could not agree more. ADT or the new AADT is a lot of BS. But, that is not all he stands for. He stands for that extreme and dangerous Scientology crap, thought up by the proven idiot L.Ron Hubbard.
To call that a Religion is a joke and Christians, Muslims & Jews should be offended by that claim.
Btw: Cruise is still dyslexic !
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