* kiss my blog

Friday, September 14, 2001

okay...wait wait wait. before i start off my inevitably boring blog, i have to say that i've been noticing something in my blogs lately. i already told this to jo (but not like she'll read this any time soon since she thought this link in my aim info was "some weird link") but i've noticed that i always tend to start talking by using the word/phrase "okay, so..." or "so okay..." or just "okay..." thought i'd point it out, just cuz, i dunno...well, actually, i totally forget who it was with, but i seem to remember trying to tell a story to one of my friends or a group of friends and we just kept bursting out laughing cuz i kept saying "okay, so..." and "so, okay..."

ohmygod, aaaanyway...i can't believe i prattled on about my speech patterns for a whole paragraph. and i apologize for this boring blog but i'm BORED. again. well actually, that's not true. i'm actually rather antsy and anxious, which probably explains that first paragraph, and i just felt the need to blog nonsensically (is that even a word?). i PROMISE that once i get down to san diego and i am no longer stuck at home alone with my psycho raving lunatic mind, my blogs will be more interesting because i'll actually be DOING something. even if it is just going to class.

okay, so...wait. what was i gonna blog about again? oh yeah! my packing status. i know, i know, that's all i've been talking about lately - packing, but you know what? that's all i've been DOING lately - packing!! i have too many shoes. ten pairs are packed away into four large bags. my flip flops is the only pair that isn't since i'm gonna be wearing those. actually, ten doesn't sound like that much, does it? you know what's funny though? of those ten pairs, only one of them is a pair of running shoes. and i've had those running shoes since my sophomore year of high school. i am now entering my sophomore year of COLLEGE. that just goes to show you how much i run. i finished packing up all my skirts and dresses. packed a few cosmetics and toiletries. i need more bags, dude. i have like nothing to put anything in. i remember my last night in san diego in june...it was like 1 am in the morning; i was getting desperate since my dad was coming in like 8 hours so i just started throwing things into bags. it was a mess. chaos!! good thing my roommate moved out before me. my stuff was just strewn EVERYWHERE. i eventually finished packing all my stuff around 4 am. the reason i stayed up that late was cuz i didn't start packing till like 10 or 11 pm since some friends and i went out to eat on our last night.

why am i talking about this? and why am i talking so much?? stop talking!! stop talking, i say!! *slaps herself* oh maaan...i am the biggest dork. no wonder i don't have a boyfriend.


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