* kiss my blog

Monday, December 24, 2001

just got back from dinner with the family at aunt's house. talk about strange. for once, almost all of us were there. my youngest uncle was, as always, missing as well as one of my cousins, but for the most part all of us were there. not that we had a rip-roaring time or anything, it was just unusual. one of my cousins, patty, didn't even recognize me with my short hair. she sat down next to me at the dinner table, and was like, "cherry???" a couple of her friends came over for dinner too. which is strange considering it's christmas eve. but oh well. and i think one of them was her boyfriend. i THINK. he was really cute. hellooooo.... ;) and very polite and courteous to boot. anyway, most of the night was pretty awkward. maybe it was just me, i don't know. but that's how it always is with our family. think about your most awkward moment. now prolong so it lasts for several hours. yeah, that's how most of our get togethers are. oh well. at least it's over.

i'm bored now. where is everyone? :( there are only six people online on my buddy list (not including myself). and i don't talk to half of those people. blaaaah... i'm going to eat and channel surf.


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