* kiss my blog

Monday, January 28, 2002

hey, i can't believe i blogged twice today and i forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANAZ!!!! so...happy birthday, sanaz. ;D the last one of us to turn 19...yeah, she's a young un'.

okay...um...i have a little confession. you know that blog i wrote on friday night/saturday morning regarding a certain onstage lesbian kissing and orgy? well, there WERE girls at the sum 41 concert who were onstage making out with one another (like, tongue-down-throat making out. yeah, it was a little..weird. mostly because most of the girls didn't even KNOW each other.) and freaking each other....but....i was not one of those girls, nor was sanaz. it was all just a big lie. okay, here's the thing...it started off as sanaz's idea to, you know, have a little fun with ben. sorry ben. but your reaction was classic, totally priceless. sorry. "i wonder about cherry...." hahahahaahahahaha....sorry. anyway...i blogged about it because i knew ben would read it and then i started thinking...well, i wonder how many *other* people will believe me? so i left it up and put something in my info and just well, yeah, i've gotten some interesting reactions. you know what's really funny? all the people who instantly believed me were guys.

now i want everyone to tell me the truth: did YOU believe me? don't worry, i won't be offended or anything (i'm not as insecure with my sexuality as guys are. ;D), i just want to know if you believed my blog or not.


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