* kiss my blog

Wednesday, April 17, 2002

accomplishment of the day: i ran for a little over half an hour on the treadmill and did the rowing machine for ten minutes (well, i always do the rowing machine for ten minutes, but i just decide to throw that in anyway. the half an hour on the treadmill is the real accomplishment). i'm so proud of myself. look ma, i'm working out!! it's so funny because, last year, whenever helen or melissa would ask me if i wanted to go work out, i'd just look at them and say, "why do you even bother asking?" and continue stuffing cheeze pringles in my mouth and vegging on my bed in front of the tv. now, i'm working out twice a week with mel. actually, i went today without mel cuz she was konked out when i went to her place to pick her up so i just told her to go back to sleep and i went alone. when we took kickboxing together, if one of us didn't want to go, the other wouldn't either. hehe. but see, now i have discipline!! sure, i'm still cramming junk food in my mouth every 2.5 seconds, but i figure the working out is balancing out everything. ;D anyway...

dilemma of the....uh..next year?: should i go to grad school?

this afternoon, i went to this info meeting for psych majors about requirements and different honors programs and grad school. i went in thinking, "i'm going to grad school." i left, thinking "i'm going to grad school." i came home and read this article about going to grad school and now i'm thinking, "WHAT DO I DO?!?!? WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!?"

hmm...i think i should go talk to an academic advisor.


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