* kiss my blog

Sunday, June 16, 2002

I'M BACK. yes, that's right. I'M BACK. good nine hour road trip. not bad. love my dad. ;)

la la la... i don't really have much to blog about. packing wasn't quite as horrid as it was last year when i stayed up till like 4 am packing. my dad came around 830 am but we didn't actually leave san diego till like 130 pm. arrived in fremont exactly nine hours later. i was half hung over when my dad got to my apartment. not good. but i got over it quickly.

cleaning the apartment was so much fun. especially when half the occupants of the apartment left me and sanaz to throw away their shit for them. yeah, that was nice.

but onto nicer people...helen is a goddess. ;D she let me store some of my stuff in her brother's garage over the summer. and i felt so bad cuz i had so much stuff and it took up like half of her suv. so she is mucho cool. unfortunately, i didn't get to say goodbye to her before i left! :(

let's see...what else. finals sucked. my behavioral psych final was terrible. i was horribly HORRIBLY unmotivated to study. so...i didn't really. and it made the final that much funner. it was like wild guessing left and right. is the answer A? is the answer D? who knows! let's pick C!! oh, and then there was my favorite question: what the...?? when did we learn this?!? psh...whatever.

so now i've got a good two weeks before i start summer classes at ohlone. and in those two weeks, i only have ONE goal: to unpack. because living out of bags and suitcases for three months last summer wasn't so much fun.

anyway, i smell. you know what was funny? just as me and my dad were leaving one of the rest areas we stopped at, this horrid smell attacked us. it was really bad. and i looked around, trying to figure out where it came from but i couldn't see anything. and then, several MILES later, i saw the huuuuugest cow ranch ever. cows E-V-E-R-Y-W-H-E-R-E. acres and acres of cows!! seriously, this cow ranch went on for like forever. i wonder how anyone can work there though. we could literally smell the cows from miles away. it was crazy.

la la la... gonna go try on some clothes that my mother got for me while i was gone. i love that. every time i come home for a break, i find new clothes on my bed. ;D spoiled? me? nah. i think my mother's just trying to compensate for my absence. she buys clothes in order to build a new cherry while i'm gone.



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