* kiss my blog

Monday, June 10, 2002

ooh, ucsd was on mtv!! there's this little show on mtv called "i bet you will" where they go around random places and offer people money to do random things. first time i saw it was when mtv was at new orleans and they bet this asian girl to get a tattoo for like several hundred dollars. i thought it was funny cuz she bargained and got them to pay her a lot more. not to say that just asians bargain because a lot of people on this show do ask for more money. anyway, there was this story in the guardian (the school paper) a while back about mtv's "i bet you will" being on campus. i totally did not see them on campus anywhere, but then again, i'm a hermit, so... =| oh well. anyway, me and sanaz were watching just now and we saw them on ucsd's campus!! they were on library walk and we could see price center in the background. they bet this guy and this girl to put mouse food in their mouth and put their mouths at opposite ends of this maze. then they put two mice in the maze and the first person to get a mouse in their mouth would win $50. i think it was $50. anyway, the girl won and she asked if she could keep the mouse too and they let her. see, this is what ucsd students do for fun. actually, some of the students on the other campuses they showed did way more disgusting things.

and look what i learned today:
"One of the more pleasant examples of health-related news is one recent finding that people who eat candy regularly live about one year longer than those who completely avoid candy."
[Social Psychology, ninth edition. Robert A. Baron & Donn Byrne.]

i totally did not make this up, i swear. VERY good news for me. ;D


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