* kiss my blog

Friday, August 30, 2002

jaycsee: jacq was like "i don't want to drive up alone"
jaycsee: to sf
jaycsee: so i was like "take cherry with you"
jaycsee: and then I was ilke "but she won't be any help, if that's what you're looking for"
crazy spinster: HEY!
crazy spinster: well, that's true though.
jaycsee: i think it's funny how you get like...fake offended
jaycsee: or offended until you realize it's true
jaycsee: because it happens every time
crazy spinster: HEY!
crazy spinster: well, that's true also.

i just realized that this layout is so drab and dull and yucky. but i don't got mad skills like jo and jacq so i can't do anything about it except complain. oh well.

going to sf tomorrow to see save ferris! hurrah!! should probably sleep soon in order to wake up before my usual noon, but whatever. i'll just suffer. i think i need to start drinking coffee this quarter. especially with the 8 am's on tuesday and thursday. yes yes, i know i don't have 8 am's everyday, but see, that makes it worse because i'll probably be oversleeping on the days without the 8 am's thus screwing up my sleep schedule and making it harder to get up for 8 am's. plus, all my classes are an hour and twenty minutes long and i have two classes back to back on those days - almost three hours straight of class starting at 8 am. okay okay, so i know that's not THAT bad, but still. it warrants coffee, i think. i personally hate coffee, but i figure i can dump like a truckload of cream into it so the yucky taste will go away.

anyway. how did i get to talking about coffee? oh right, sf and save ferris tomorrow. woohoo! they're great performers. saw them at a free concert in san diego freshman year. i was close enough to see the lead singer's sweat! speaking of which, she was a very randy girl, the lead singer, monique powell. making all sorts of perverted comments. but coming from her, as opposed to say, a fat balding forty year old man, it was actually kind of cute. anyway. where am i? why am i even blogging? dur.


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