* kiss my blog

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

i'm bored. but that's a good thing. rather be bored than in a constant state of panic like i was for the past week and a half. but that means this blog will probably be really boring and make no sense. oh well.

midterms were bad. don't want to talk about it.

but what else is there to talk about? absolutely nothing interesting has been going on in my life. still single. though there is nothing wrong with that. still have no life. definitely something wrong with that. ugh. what to do what to do. just killing time till i can go to the mall on my way to campus. need to return the hollister shirts and scarf down some burger king because their whopper is just so damn good and i've been craving it. yes, i could just go to the mall right now, but i want to limit my time there so i don't go all crazy and you know, shop. and shop and shop and shop. i know that little voice in my head will get louder and louder. you know, the one that says, "hey, you just got $20 back from the shirts! that's twenty free dollars!! spend them spend them SPEND THEM!!" and, before you know it, i'll have spent $200 instead of $20 and i'll end up on campus with an armload of shopping bags. "i don't know what happened cuz it all happened so fast!! my arms were totally moving of their own volition, just grabbing things off the racks left and right (not winona ryder style, thankyouverymuch) and then - and then the wallet came out and the credit card was slapped down and my right hand just signed like ten receipts and i was trying to control myself but i couldn't...I COULDN'T!!"

so...anyway. that's why i'm not going to the mall early. it's really a sickness, you know. shopaholism.

okay, so i really want to see the ring, but...it's just too damn scary and i can't bring myself to go (but even if i could, it's not like i have a car to go). so, naturally, to overcome my fear, i read spoilers for the entire movie. because, really, that's the only way i won't be completely traumatized by the movie. i mean, i did it for the sixth sense and when i finally saw it, i was fine. the movie wasn't ruined for me or anything; i still thought it was a really good movie. i just didn't, you know, have nightmares for weeks on end and get freaked out every time i was alone in the dark (which is like, duh, every night). so anyway, i did that for the ring, read spoilers for the entire movie. only problem is, i'm freaked out now. i haven't even SEEN the damn movie and i'm already completely freaked out. is that sad or what? curse this overimaginative brain!!

oh, you know what? i should probably be working on my honors program application. heh. uh...i'll worry about that later tonight. ;D c'mon...i haven't had a chance to relax in like two weeks.

all right, i'm really bored now. i have absolutely nothing else to talk about. so...bye!


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