title IX demonstration went so well today!! made lots of noise and pissed off people inside the hotel we were rallying outside of. ;D got a lot of honks from cars passing by too. but of course, the most important thing was that the commissioners knew we were there and that, from what i understand, were a little afraid of us. ;D
and geena davis was there too! knew she would be, but still exciting nonetheless! and like all superhuman celebrity movie stars, she didn't even break a sweat in the sweltering heat while the rest of us were swimming in our own perspiration. i mean, we were all wearing a t-shirt and jeans and she was wearing this suit with a black jacket and a white collared shirt with black pants. and it was crazy hot today. but no, she's not like normal human beings - she doesn't sweat; gorgeous movie stars like her would never dare do something so dirty. it's not really fair. =/ anyway, she spoke outside during the women's sports foundation rally and then again inside as an official testimony. she was pretty cute and really funny; i liked her. ;D
i was really impressed with some of the other speakers too. a father who extolled title IX for bringing him and his daughter closer together through sports. it sounds a little hokey, but think about it - most men these days have been raised to love sports, probably by their own fathers. this sounds sort of obvious, but most men bond through sports. and now, with the help of title IX, more girls are playing sports which allows fathers to bond with their sons AND daughters. there was another man that spoke whose speech i really liked. he didn't even have any daughters (just two sons) but realized that title IX doesn't just affect women; it affects his sons as well. he wants his sons to be raised in a society where they look at people equally, where gender stereotypes won't be so ingrained into them as they still are nowadays in most people. i dunno, i just thought his presentation was so great, i really liked it.
all in all, it was a great demonstration. my first one! ;D
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