okay. i just did something so incredibly stupid. and embarrassing. so embarrassing that i almost don't want to blog about it. well, it really isn't THAT bad; i may have overreacted a little. and in all fairness, this was NOT just my fault. half of the blame goes to sanaz as well. and i know that we're not the first people to do this (and i have this nagging suspicion that this isn't the first time that this has happened to ME) but that doesn't make it any less stupid or embarrassing.
so here's the thing: me and sanaz washed TWO loads of laundry WITHOUT any detergent (yet i somehow managed to remember to put fabric softener in there). TWO LOADS. i sort of had like, a hysterical reaction when i realized that. i really wanted to just laugh and cry at the same time. and gross sanaz was just like, "so? it smells clean." hello?!?! wouldn't it bother you KNOWING that, while your clothes may SMELL clean, they are, in fact, NOT. i mean, c'mon!! i would be wearing my clothes and in the back of my head, this tiny, vicious voice in my head would be chanting, "your clothes are not clean. your clothes are not clean. yourclothesarenotclean!!!"
i know what you're all thinking. how stupid can you be? to do it TWICE?!?! and i know what else you're thinking: why don't we just do the laundry over again? but you don't understand! it was TWO loads of laundry!! TWO!! it'd be such a waste of water and energy! so what we ended up doing is just washing all the underwear over again. because i even told sanaz, "c'mon. wouldn't it bother you knowing that your underwear isn't really clean??" and she said, "yeah...you have a point." see?! SEE?!?!
really, this made me a little hysterical. (well, my trip to japan may have also affected my [over]reaction). i wanted to laugh because it was so funny but cry at the same time because it was so tragically stupid and embarrassing. so you can just imagine the look on my face. this almost beats the time me and helen accidentally put dish washing liquid in the dishwasher and caused it to overflow all over the kitchen floor. these household appliances just bring out the stupidity in all of us.
and, as my closing statement, i would just like to reiterate the fact that this was NOT just MY fault. sanaz bears half the responsibility. you should not have just ASSUMED that i would be smart enough to put detergent in there. you should've made sure and asked me!! so what if i would have yelled at you, "how stupid do you think i am?!?" because as this situation has proven, i AM quite stupid. but this is SO NOT JUST MY FAULT. because sanaz's clothes were in there as well. so THERE. HAH! AHHHH!!! HAH!! AAAAAHHHH!!!
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