* kiss my blog

Friday, November 21, 2003

i love it when people from AA leave comments on my blog and say that they're from AA. makes me sound like i'm an alcoholic. hi sophie! and leah and...anyone else that comes from AA. ;D

speaking of comments, i love all the comments that people made on this entry in jacq's xanga. hahahaha... poor girl. but c'mon, jacq, you set yourself up for that... ;D

we're celebrating melissa's 21st birthday tonight. we're celebrating early because her actual birthday is during thanksgiving break. we always do this. just like my birthday. although, i think i may actually want to celebrate my birthday after christmas this year. that way i'll already be 21. i get so much grief for still being 20.

i think it's rather sad that i've had this blog for so long that it started out as "confessions of a 19-year-old spinster" and will soon become "confessions of a 21-year-old spinster." well, it's not so sad that i've had this blog for so long, it's just sad that the title still holds true.

anyway, i've had a bad week. i'm definitely looking forward to getting smashed tonight. sigh.

(i guess that last sentence also makes me sound like i'm an alcoholic.)


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