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Wednesday, June 09, 2004

in the home stretch...

oops, sorry for the long non-update. i am currently in the midst of finals.

had my first final today at 8 am. went better than i thought it would. at the risk of jinxing myself (*knocks on wood*), i think it was the easiest exam in that class. and that was my hardest final too. so now i am studying for my last final EVER at ucsd tomorrow at 8 am (damn 8 ams). woohoo! unfortunately, i have a paper for my 199 due on friday. but i fully intend to b.s. it; i just wanna get it done as quickly as possible so i can start packing.

last week of classes went fine. the last day of class was pretty uneventful except for the part when i fell asleep in my first class. i mean, c'mon, he was showing the most boring video ever and half the lecture hall was snoozing. the only problem was that i did that embarrassing thing where you have your elbow resting on the arm rest and your head propped against that hand and your elbow slips off the arm rest so your whole body jerks in a very conspicuous manner. oh well. it was the last day of class so who cares.

strangely enough, i am not feeling nostalgic or emotional at all. i just want to get through finals and go home. even after getting my cap and gown, it still hasn't really hit me that i'm graduating. i kind of see it as just another thing to do before i go home. san diego - you've been great, but it's time to move on now (or move back, in my case).

anyway, i had a fabulous, amazing, wonderful, memorable, lovely end-of-last-week and weekend. thank you. :)


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