in honor of jo...
...'s 22nd birthday, i shall now recount 22 of her finest moments (in no particular order):
[oh yeah, and don't forget to scroll down for another entry]
1. being the lucky recipient of a very exuberant lap dance from mandingo, a very large black chippendales dancer.
2. "boromir or faramir?" - me. "...gimli." - jo.
3. every single time she's tried to stop me or deb from buying something we don't need (but really really want).
4. "if your brother and your dog were hanging off the sides of a bridge, which one would you save?" and every other twisted question she's come up with.
5. being the only girl who i've ever spooned. (see picture below. there was a better picture where i actually had my arm over her, but hello just wouldn't let me post it.)
6. calming me down when i got my first eye infection and dispensing sage advice.
7. being an adventurous explorer and travelling the world over like the gutsy girl she is.
8. being an awesome web and graphics designer and aweing me with every single one of her creations.
9. being a good father to me. :)
10. leaving me random messages like this one -
jaycsee: cher
jaycsee: do you know what I realized
jaycsee: 10 minutes ago, while I was walking up the stairs?
jaycsee: that your name backward is rech
jaycsee: oops
jaycsee: I mean rech
jaycsee: ah!
jaycsee: i mean rehc
jaycsee: oh god, what am I saying
jaycsee: ignore!
jaycsee: ignore!
jaycsee: this conversation never happened.
jaycsee: *runs away*
11. teaching me how to snowboard. a very awesome, patient instructor she was.
12. dressing up as luigi for halloween while debra was mario. very very cute.
13. helping me open my front door when i just couldn't do it. with my own key.
14. arguing with her about whether her couch was blue or black. it's... blue?
15. helping to organize my surprise birthday party and successfully duping me into believing no one was coming to my "actual" birthday party.
16. talking in her sleep when we visited la the summer after graduating high school. to this day, i will always remember her exact words: "olay olay olay olay olay."
17. being a miracle packer. i mean, honestly, how does one fit at least a year's worth of one's belongings into a large backpack and a carry-on bag? how?! HOW?!?
18. getting into poking matches over aim.
19. helping me fly my kite at lake elizabeth and specifically warning me not to get the kite stuck in a tree. and then i got it stuck in a tree.
20. worrying all of us when she wandered off at the john mayer concert in berkeley in order to get better pictures of him.
21. her lust filled love for rodrigo santoro.
22. just being the bestest friend a girl could ask for and a wonderful amazing human being. happy birthday, jo. :)
At 9:29 PM, jo said…
hahahahahahaa!! thanks cher!
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