* kiss my blog

Thursday, November 29, 2001

crap. seems to be storming all over california. geez. very windy and wet and cold here. have to admit, i *kinda* like it. of course, i would much rather have sun and heat but i like bundling up with my coat and scarf and gloves. gotta go out again tonight - linguistics final review from 530 to 630 and physics final review from 8 to 10. ergh...good thing i don't have any homework tonight or anything. and no vietnamese class tomorrow! so i get to wake up an hour later. :)

bought sum 41 tickets for me and sanaz today. while i was waiting in line at the box office, i saw a poster taped on their window for a FREE SNEAK PREVIEW of kate & leopold!! unfortunately, it's on december 12 which is the week after finals are over so i won't be here. :( i think that's really stupid though. why would you have a free sneak preview over winter break when like 95% of campus is empty?! grrr...oh well. hopefully will get to see it when it opens.

hey, guess what everyone? TODAY IS MELISSA'S BIRTHDAY!!! ;D happy birthday, mel!! will try to stop over at your place, but not sure since yeah, my day was pretty busy and it's still not over. :-/

okay, should get ready to go to linguistics final review. bye.


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