* kiss my blog

Wednesday, February 06, 2002

weird conversation #413,567,892:

janedoe*: why are you ignoring me
lilith chick: sorry
lilith chick: phone rang
lilith chick: and i actually picked it up this time
janedoe: is it becuz of my mole
lilith chick: what mole?
janedoe: on my face
lilith chick: you have a mole on your face?
janedoe: yah
janedoe: a big
janedoe: one
janedoe: just like mandy moore
lilith chick: no you odn't
janedoe: i do
janedoe: well, it's more like a beauty mark
lilith chick: what the heck are you talking about?
janedoe: i have a mole on my face
janedoe: i do
lilith chick: no you don't
janedoe: next time you see me check it out
janedoe: it's on my left side
lilith chick: uh...okay
janedoe: right by my nose
janedoe: just like mandy moore
lilith chick: okay
lilith chick: sure
janedoe: ok i'm going to study now
janedoe: plus i'm goin to need all the beauty sleep i can get
janedoe: so my mole looks prettier

*names changed to protect the self-conscious. i do not actually know anyone with the sn janedoe. and you know what? it wasn't ACTUALLY janedoe iming with me either. it was janedoe2 masquerading as the original janedoe. .... you know, this would be so much easier if i could use real names. but the original janedoe insists on having her identity protected. you know, what with the monster mole and all. ;D just kidding. i love you, original janedoe. oh, and you too, janedoe2.


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