* kiss my blog

Monday, May 13, 2002

so i read this interesting article about tattoos yesterday and i learned a few things i didn't know before. like tipping. apparently, we're supposed to tip the artist. now i feel really bad because i didn't tip either artist both times i got tattooed. but the thing is, me and deb were actually talking about tipping when we got our first one but we figured we didn't need to since the tattoos were so damn expensive in the first place ($100-$120) that gratuity had to be included in there somewhere. i still feel kinda bad. but i didn't know! aiya... :(

and now for some excerpts from the article...

"OK, where do you want it?"
"Right … HERE," I said, pointing to where I meant. [I finally settled on the bare patch of "canvas" below my breast by rationalizing that when I was too old to want a tattoo anymore, the thing would be covered by inevitable sagging.]
"Listen. You see me?" he asked, motioning to his multiple piercings and full-sleeve tattoos. "Even I don't have a tattoo there. It hurts too damn much."
But what was I to do? I couldn't scrap all that planning just because of a little extra pain, right? I held firm.

first of all, i thought that inevitable sagging comment was hilarious. ahahahaha... and second, this chick is brave for sticking to her choice and taking the pain. you know why she could take it? because she's a WOMAN.

"...women, who are built to withstand the earthshaking pain of childbirth, tend to handle tattoos better than men do, or so my tattoo guy said."

DAMN STRAIGHT!! *rowr* hahahaha...sorry. and...

"Apparently the base of your spine is supremely painful since it's a hotbed of nerve endings."

you know what's funny? that's exactly where my first tattoo went. up until i read this, i really didn't have any idea that that spot was that bad. i mean, i knew that bony areas were worse than fleshy areas (BOTH my tattoos have gone over bony areas although the moon didn't go over quite as much bone), but i didn't have any idea that that particular spot was THAT bad. and it makes me feel like superwoman since i could bear it. ;D all right, enough self-congratulations. i really owe more to deb though for going first and letting me watch so i wouldn't be so afraid. BOTH times. :) wait...did you go first the second time, deb? i don't remember...in any case, you still rock. ;D

"It's going to hurt like hell. It may even tickle, which can be almost worse than the pain."

ahahahaha....this is actually what i was more worried about. i was more worried that it would tickle me too much and i'd start laughing and end up with funny blue bumps on my back. you see, i'm just a bit ticklish. hehehe... but deb reassured me by saying something along the lines of, "uh...cherry, i'm sure it's going to hurt A LOT more." yeah, that made me feel better. ;D

"Remember: Tattoos are like roller coasters. You'll scream all the way through it, and then when it's over, you'll want to get right back in line and go again."

so very true. i think this lady hit it right on the head with that statement. the perfect way to sum up the experience of getting a tattoo.


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