* kiss my blog

Monday, January 27, 2003

how's this for sad and obssessed: i woke up in the middle of the night last night and had trouble getting back to sleep because i was thinking about alias so much.

and i almost got caught in a lie today during the experiment. the guy said he lived in the utc area so i said i lived in costa verde. then he asked me which building i live in. now...i've never been to costa verde. so i just said that i just moved in. which really doesn't explain anything at all, so...yeah. no more lying about costa verde from now on.

the lab meeting afterwards was pretty cool. we got to watch some of the hidden camera videos. they were pretty hilarious. remember how i said that i wasn't sure that the subject in the very first experiment i did even SAW me take the cookie since he was totally hitting on the other "subject"? well, he did see me!! not only that, but he took several cookies and jelly beans!! it was so funny just watching some subjects look around the room (it's a tiny, barren, windowless room in a basement) trying to figure out what to do. the funniest is watching subjects trying very hard NOT to think about the food right in front of them. i saw the video of the girl who actually rearranged the cookies in the bowl to make it look as if she hadn't taken one. she was so funny. she tried so hard to get rid of all the evidence of her eating a cookie. not only did she rearrange the other cookies, but she made sure that there were no crumbs anywhere and then she pulled out her compact to look at her mouth to make sure there were no crumbs there either. hahaha...poor girl. and then there was this one girl who just kept eating and eating and eating!! i mean, yeah, we have a good amount of food on the table, but not like, THAT much. she clearly wasn't very concerned with getting caught. anyway, it's very encouraging knowing that all this lying and deception is working. ;D

hey, so random fact of the day: did you know that dylan mcdermott (hot guy on "the practice") is the stepson of eve ensler? not only that, but he changed his name (mark) to dylan in honor of her. she was pregnant and had planned on naming her child dylan but then she had a miscarriage so dylan mcdermott took that name instead for her. how sweet is that?


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