* kiss my blog

Friday, January 17, 2003

target is like, the greatest place on earth.

went there with sanaz tonight JUST to get an extra storage bin but i left with a new pair of pajama pants, a new bra, and a new bikini. as well as the storage bin, of course. but but...it was all so cute! and cheap! so cheap!! sanaz got a bikini too! both have pretty much the same cut (just a different design) but they really emphasize our tittylessness. it just looks as if there should be MORE in the bikini top, you know? but i say, you know what? let's just EMBRACE our flatness!! yay for the tittyless girls!! there was a study done recently that's shown that playboy centerfolds have gotten less curvier over the years. which basically means flat. which means that sanaz and i have a great shot at becoming playboy centerfolds. ;D

so helen came home later tonight (poor girl, rush has gotten her all pooped out) and tried to help me improve my lying skills. i basically suck. i can't keep a straight face and my lies sound really awkward and unnatural. and helen laughing at me didn't help any (although i was doing a pretty bad job of lying. she used her face to show me what MY face looked like while i was lying and it was pretty funny). starting to get a little worried now that no one will believe me. hmm...oh well.

but guess what guess what. the best part of the experiment: there's going to be a hidden camera in the lab. mwahahahaha.... we'll get to see the subjects' reactions to us basically "stealing" the food. it'll be like our own little candid camera. ;D


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