man, i really need to blog more often. this poor blog has just been neglected. you know what i think it is? it's because i spend so much freaking time on this alias forum. i know what you're thinking, how can you talk about alias so much? but the funny thing is, i don't really talk about it all that much on that forum. we talk about other things and i don't know, i just got very addicted to that board - as sanaz and melissa can attest to. =| poor confessions was just abandoned in my alias forum frenzy.
anyway, what've i been up to? hmm...i don't remember. friday night was ha's birthday party. saturday...went out for thai food with people. got rejected (or "cockblocked" as deb likes to say) from dave & buster's. the doorman was retarded though. couldn't do math. went to go play pool instead where i sucked as usual. i sucked so much that really, any balls i sunk were due to pure luck. i mean, i hit one in and didn't even know about it. anyway, sunday...nothing. just lounge at home and watch the oscars. very entertaining. so glad that catherine and nicole won. they rock. my hair cut. back to the short bob. i love short bob. hehehehehe...i'm a dork, i know. so tuesday, i was supposed to go out with my mother, but she changed her mind at the last min, so i went out with deb, david, and tim to golfland. i learned what else i sucked at - driving race cars and playing ms. pacman. anyway, let's just move on to the best day of all - wednesday.
wednesday!! went out with my girls!! had a, uh, "picnic" at in-n-out. ;D hey, it was too cold to have a real picnic. it warmed up later though, so we went to go buy kites. then we went to lake elizabeth to unleash our inner children. it was great. my kite went up the highest and stayed up the longest. deb's and jen's sucked. haha!! just kidding. theirs went up too. mine was just better. ;D it was so good, it didin't even need anyone to hold it; it went up all on its own. anyway, we played on the swings too. i love swings. i haven't been on swings in so long. then there was defacing the lake elizabeth sidewalk. you know, we can be pretty rebellious taggers. what with our chalk drawings of bees, turtles, and a weird-ass snowman. sigh. it was a fun day. ;D
and today...i discovered i have not one, not two, but FOUR cavities. crap. that sucks. but dude, the nurse that was cleaning my teeth was on something. she was so hyper. it scared me a bit. anyway, i've got cavities and my wisdom teeth are starting to make their appearance. you know, i really hate my teeth.
okay, gotta go help mother with something now. bye!!
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