* kiss my blog

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

such utter disappointment

in this country. i mean, what is wrong with half of this country? moral issues?! you voted bush into another term because of MORAL ISSUES?! you think gay marriages and abortions are going to be this country's downfall?! are you kidding me?? if you want to talk about moral issues, why don't we ban britney spears and vegas weddings? and what about the non-existant WMD's and the pretty much non-existant relationship we have with the rest of the world? why do you people not think about those things?! whyyyyy??

while it's true that many people voted for kerry just out of spite for bush, i think that says a lot about how much people vehemently disagree with this president. that they would rather go with ANY alternative than stay with someone who clearly lacks any sense of leadership and, well, common sense. what a jackass. what more obvious sign do you need that there needs to be a HUGE amount of change in this country than the fact that people are voting for your opponent out of clear spite for you??

and what about the debates? did anyone even take anything from those?? bush looked like the complete idiot he is in those debates. but people are willing to vote him back into office just because of his religious values. oh but wait a minute - what about that little thing called separation of church and state? i guess we can't be bothered with that pesky little ideal when we have to "stay the course" and bring "freedom" to iraq. but how can we bring freedom to another country when we clearly lack it in our own country? how is banning gay marriages and abortions freedom? please tell me because i'm dying to know. such hypocrites.

and then there's prop 66 - the limits on the three strikes law. i can't believe that people actually allowed themselves to be duped by schwarzenegger and his scare tactic ads into voting no. people!! you really think the jails will just open up and rapists and murderers will come flooding back into society? please! the three strikes law was never a good idea to begin with. you're telling me that you're willing to spend millions of dollars to imprison people for twenty years who have just stolen a pack of beer or some other ridiculous little crime? yes, we do need to keep violent felons in prison, but this isn't the way to do it. the three strikes law is ridiculously unjust and a waste of our money.

watching all the election coverage on the news last night was interesting though. particularly seeing how the entire west coast was blue and pretty much the entire landlocked areas were red. i was listening to some of the radio coverage too and someone brought up the old joke that maybe we should just secede from the union. it's just a joke of course and no one would seriously bring that idea up, but it's interesting to ponder. because, clearly, our values are just the polar opposite of the rest of the country's. well, that's not entirely fair since many of the states' votes turned out to be very close 50-50's (52-48, 51-49, etc). but still. what is it about the west coast that makes us so different? oh right, we actually let people live their lives the way they want to live them. ugh.

okay, so there's my rant. it's out. i can move on now.


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