* kiss my blog

Friday, September 21, 2001

i just had a thought. my physics ta is kinda cute. you know how my physics discussions are optional? yeah, i think i'll go check him - i mean them - out. ;)

hey, had a total twilight zone moment today. checked out the blog girls webring. looked at the new sites that had been added. there was one entitled "project cherry" - the title that i had actually been considering for this blogger. it turns out that the girl who owns that blogger is also named cherry, also lives in california, and was ALSO born on december 25. trippy, no? i emailed the girl and introduced myself. jo pointed out that she might think i'm just pulling her leg or something, so i gave her the link to this blog. so, cherry, if you're reading this now, hi!! if not...well, i just said hi to myself. :)

la la la....i had two ham and cheese sandwiches today. i think i'm slowly getting addicted to those. not that it's a bad thing since it's better than eating chips and candy all day, but we're gonna run out of bread real soon. and i really want these groceries to last *at least* a month...hopefully, two months.


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