* kiss my blog

Thursday, October 10, 2002

as of this moment, i hold complete power over helen chee.

not only am i in her email account thus having access to all her old private emails (there's some juicy stuff in here!) as well as her friends' emails (who the heck is "sexxxybigdick69@nakedpolishmen.com"??), but i also have, not one, but TWO of her credit card numbers. AND i know her mother's maiden name and the last four numbers of her social security! *evil mr. burns* eeeexcellent...

of course, i won't do anything. i'd never do something evil or malicious or greedy or psychotic or selfish or mean. no siree bob. although wouldn't it be funny if i changed her email password ("kotex"), then emailed all her friends and told them that i, helen, was considering dropping out of college to pursue my lifelong dream of fusing exotic dancing and clog dancing (exclogic dancing!), and then maxed out both her credit cards buying five hundred posters of christina aguilera on ebay, ten thousand shares of martha stewart's stock, and one of every type of sex toy there is online (to be sent to her parent's home in calexico, of course)?

yeah...that'd be funny. ;D but i wouldn't do that. =|


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