* kiss my blog

Saturday, July 31, 2004

overheard bathroom conversation.

the following conversation was overheard while i was in the bathroom at elephant bar last night...

woman 1: so what kind of sign is he? is he a water sign?
woman 2: no, i think he's a taurus.
woman 1: a taurus? isn't that a land sign?
woman 2: yeah... i think so.
woman 1: oh noooo.... that's not good.
woman 2: yeah.... i'm a water sign. water signs and land signs aren't good together. i've heard that tauruses are the most controlling signs.
woman 1: oh no! that's horrible! so what are you going to do?
woman 2: i don't know. we'll see how it goes with jeff.
woman 1: well, you know, we've got some great stuff going on with us. any guys would be lucky to have us.
woman 2: of course!

sadly, i believe these women were talking in all seriousness too. stupid...


  • At 2:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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