* kiss my blog

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

nope, not yet.

mmm...okay, i guess i wanna get a few more things off my chest.

while talking with leah about this earlier, we both worried about the supreme court. with as many as three justice nominations looming and a congress controlled by the republicans, it looks as if issues like same sex marriage and abortion could be a thing of the past. sure, it may not happen right away, but it still could very well happen. with so many conservatives in congress, who will veto his ultra-conservative justice nominations? justice nominees who will definitely be anti-gay and anti-abortion. and as leah pointed out, things like bans on gay marriage and bans on abortions are RESTRICTIONS to our freedom. rights that we've taken for granted could be lost and that's what scares me the most. the almighty government may one day be able to tell me exactly what i can and cannot do with my own body and who (whom?) i can and cannot marry. tell me that that doesn't scare you.

i've been online reading other blogs and whatnot. i've been reading this blog by andrew sullivan, who had a lot of pretty insightful things to say.

i liked what he had to say about federalism and i took a small bit of solace in what he had to say about accountability. i cut and paste snippets of both pieces but the first time i published this entry, it ruined my entire page so now i'm cutting them out. but you should definitely read both pieces; they're short and he makes some very good points.

but what i liked the best is what he had to say about being hopeful and having faith: But one more thing is important. The dignity of our lives and our relationships as gay people is not dependent on heterosexual approval or tolerance. Our dignity exists regardless of their fear. We have something invaluable in this struggle: the knowledge that we are in the right, that our loves are as deep and as powerful and as God-given as their loves, that our relationships truly are bonds of faith and hope that are worthy, in God's eyes and our own, of equal respect. Being gay is a blessing. The minute we let their fear and ignorance enter into our own souls, we lose. We have gained too much and come through too much to let ourselves be defined by others. We must turn hurt back into pride. Cheap, easy victories based on untruth and fear and cynicism are pyrrhic ones. In time, they will fall. So hold your heads up high. Do not give in to despair. Do not let the Republican party rob you of your hopes. This is America. Equality will win in the end.


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