* kiss my blog

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

whine whine whine

ohmygod, the PAIN.

this cold sore is the worst cold sore i've had so far. it hurts ALL THE TIME. pretty much any time i move my tongue, i feel a sharp searing pain. so i've been trying not to move my tongue, but that's actually proven to be quite difficult. i've never noticed how much my tongue moves in a day, but it likes to move around quite a bit so it's been hard trying to keep it stationary. even when it's stationary though, i still feel a constant dull pain.

it's also really hard to put cold sore medication on it because it's my tongue and the cold sore is all the way in the back. speaking hurts so much now. i've tried to stay as silent as long as possible which is also hard when tutoring. especially tutoring a seventh grader who doesn't want to do anything i tell him to.

eating hurts like a mother!@#$%&*. i can't savor any food. it's just chew and swallow. and chewing and swallowing involve moving my tongue. which means more blinding pain. it's so painful, my eyes have started tearing several times. i don't want to eat because it hurts so much but i'm so hungry that i eat anyway. eat until i can't take the pain any more.

so now i'm constantly hungry and in pain. this makes for a very cranky bitchy cherry. all i can feel is the pain. can't concentrate on anything else. my teeth hurt now too because i've been grinding them every time i'm in pain. i know that i'm prone to exaggerations, but this time i'm not. if you want, i can stick my tongue out for you (although that would actually really really hurt) and you can see how big and disgusting this cold sore is. i feel like someone is continually stabbing my tongue with a sharp knife and trying to cut it off.

someone make it stop please.


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