* kiss my blog

Monday, October 01, 2001

i swear, my life is like six degrees of separation or something. remember how i wrote earlier that a friend from high school, pearlyn, knew chris, a guy who lived in my building last year through their sorority/frat? well, i was on my way to vietnamese this morning when one of the girls in my class who was walking behind me asked if i was in her vietnamese class. i said yes, and so we talked on the way to class. she asked me where i was from, and i said fremont and she looked really surprised. then she said, "wait, did you go to mission?" and i said yes. it turns out that she lived in fremont and went to mission as well but only for a year. i looked at her and i knew her face and name looked and sounded familiar. iming with deb right now. she remembers her too. her name is ailinh or something like that...well, i just don't know how to spell it but it's pronounced eileen.

there's more too. she handed me a flier from her sorority earlier which is the same sorority that pearlyn is in. but she asked me if i knew pearlyn before i could ask her and i said i did. then i asked her if she knew chris and she said she did. i mean, yeah, they're all in the same sorority and chris's frat is their brother frat but still...it was really weird.

oh whoops, i stopped blogging to look at pictures. what else happened today? oh yeah, went to first kickboxing class with melissa today. i took kickboxing at the beginning of the summer at ohlone, so today's workout wasn't too bad. i like the instructor and i like the way she teaches the class plus it's a great workout. funny thing is, the ENTIRE class is made up of girls. just girls. there are no guys at all. even the instructor is a woman, although her name is cody. towards the end of class, she made us do a lot of ab-work although not as much as the instructor i had during the summer made us do. but then again, my kickboxing class in the summer was like an hour and a half long and this class is like a little less than an hour. but it was really gross cuz we were all lying on our backs on the mats doing our crunches and stuff and the room was so quiet that you could hear everyone's skin sticking to the mats because we were sweating so much. it was pretty nasty. but the instructor was like, "well, i can hear all your guys's skin sticking to the mats; good thing is it means we had a good workout and you guys sweated a lot." but eeeeeww...nasty. i totally forgot to bring a little towel today. oh well. next time.

okay, i have to pee.


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