* kiss my blog

Saturday, March 09, 2002

blah..i'm bored, so i'm gonna blog.

so what'd i do last night? well, after class, i went to utc to go shopping with melissa. she drove so we didn't have to take the bus. ahhh....very nice to not take the bus. :) i thought i would buy more, but i didn't. there just didn't seem to be anything really nice that i wanted to buy. sorta disappointing. :( but it's okay, i still bought some stuff. of course. ;D i bought a new pair of sunglasses that i hopefully will not lose or break this time. dum dee dum...we were at the mall for a long time. our feet started to hurt after a while. it was sorta sad. oh well. it felt as if me and melissa hadn't hung out together in really long time even though it's probably only been like a little over a week. so it was nice. :)

la la la...then we went back home and tried to watch some movies, but melissa fell asleep towards the beginning....AGAIN. i should've expected it though, that girl falls asleep during every single movie she watches. even ones that she likes. i tried to make her watch counterfeit contessa. you know, that was THE movie that made me a romantic sap; my very first sappy movie. i was in the 5th grade. so, you know, it's like my holy grail. well, no not really, but you know what i mean. no one's ever heard of it though. that's because it was a tv movie. it's really good though!! when i showed it to my girls (geez, that just sounds so weird) a while ago, they really liked it.

uuuugh...okay, i gotta go watch some italian movies at the library now. well, in about an hour anyway. film & video reserves at geisel open at noon. blaaaaah. i dunno if they'll still be there. i hope they aren't so i won't have to watch them, but i hope they are cuz then i need to watch them to write my paper. yeah...i'll be sorta stuck on my paper if i don't watch the movies.

i'm hungry. i woke up an hour ago, and i still haven't eaten anything yet.


debra!! happy birthday, my dearest bitch!! ;D HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY, DEBRA!!!!!!!! :) [yeah, i dunno why i said it twice.]

Thursday, March 07, 2002

so it looks like i've got a couple of academic decisions to make:

first one: i went to go see the adviser for the psychology department yesterday to get a degree check (to make sure i'm taking all the right classes and i'm on the right track and everything). the degree check was fine, but i found out something really interesting. the thing is, i alread knew that the only difference between the b.a. track and the b.s. track in psychology is which math series you take. since i took the 10 series, i am in the b.a. track. it sort of pissed me off though that that was the only difference. i didn't find out till like, last quarter or something. cuz i thought that if i had known, i would've taken the 20 series since i placed in it when i took the math placement test (of course, it was on the condition that i review my calculus). so anyway, yesterday the adviser saw that i had already completed the 10 series and told me that i could switch to the b.s. track if i just took the last class in the 20 series which is 21c. thing is...i hate math. i really do. it is not my friend. i was so so so grateful last year after i took the final for 10c because i was DONE with math for the rest of my life. or so i thought. although...i THINK that i could take this math class pass/no pass, so that makes it a little better. and i think taking the b.s. track would be better in the long run for me. and besides, it's only one class. but still...i just hate math so very much. so...the question is: do i take the one math class and switch to the b.s. track or do i ignore it and just stick to the b.a. track? right now, i'm leaning more towards taking the math class since it's pass/no pass, but right now all the math 21c classes are full so i wouldn't be able to take the class next quarter. so i'm going to see if it's possible for me to take the class fall quarter next year. once i find out the answer to that, then i'll be more sure about what i want to do.

second one: so i went to see my vietnamese teacher during her office hours today because she wanted to see me after my atrocious presentation last week. she basically just encouraged me to speak more vietnamese with my parents, mix in english if i have to, but just try to communicate with them more in vietnamese because she says that it's the only way i'm ever going to learn. also, she offered to help me out next quarter too. thing is...i already told her that i wouldn't be taking the class next quarter. the reason that i gave her was because one of my classes conflicted with the lecture which is true (the class that conflicts with it is one of my psych classes). but what i didn't tell her was that this class was majorly stressing me out and that i hated getting up for the 9 am discussions (yeah yeah yeah, 9 am isn't THAT early, but after two quarters, i'm getting sick of it). she said that she really wanted me to continue with the course though and so she offered to sort of tutor me during her office hours next quarter in lieu of taking her lectures. i would still have to go to the 9 am discussions though. thing is...she rarely offers this opportunity. she's only offering it to me because she knows that i really don't know very much vietnamese. however...i don't think i could do it. it'd just be like a fifth class and i'm already taking two upper division classes. so, i'm leaning more towards declining her offer. i feel really really bad though because i think i'd disappoint my parents and her. also, i do think she would be able to help me out more if it was on a one to one basis. and i mean, technically, i don't have to start taking my major classes next quarter, but i just think the sooner i start, the better.

uuuuugh....what to do, what to do?? well...i mean, i'm not totally unsure about what to do. i mean, for my first problem, i just need to know if i can take the math class fall quarter next year. if i can (and if the "easy" professor sanaz had is going to teach the class), then i think i'll take it. and with the second problem...i think it's just hard for me to say no; i feel really bad saying no. i'm such a pushover. well, no, not really. i just feel like one.

damn academics. and on top of all this, i want to go for the honors program for the b.a./b.s. (whichever i end up with) for psychology but it looks really really hard. successful completion of the honors program requires a 3.5 gpa which is, you know, a little high. so i'm sorta scared about that.

gah! gah, i tell you, GAH!!!

ps...sorry for the boring blog. that's about all that's going on in my life right now. sad, huh? oh well.

Wednesday, March 06, 2002

lalala....i really have nothing to blog about. but i'm blogging anyway. how sad is that? oh well.

days till spring break: 17.

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

aaaargh!!! vietnamese teacher forgot we had a quiz today and so now it's pushed to thursday. UUUUGH. i hate that. i hate it when you study for something and you're totally prepared for it, but then it's pushed back. it's like having sex without the orgasm. although exams aren't quite as pleasurable. ;D i'm the type of person who just wants to get it over with. [the test, not the orgasm. ;D] and more bad news...i thought after last week, i wouldn't have anymore tests or midterms till finals week...just quizzes here and there. but it turns out i have a vietnamese test at the end of week 10. uuuugh... i'm so tired. :(

days till spring break: 18.

hmm...i guess i'm not sick. my nose isn't runny and i'm not constantly crying out of my left eye anymore. maybe i just had a strong allergic reaction to something (*cough*sanaz*cough*).

well, yay, that makes studying a lot easier. wanna know something gross? i was doing my vietnamese homework last night and my head was bent over and all this snot just dribbled out of my left nose. oh, it was disgusting. but now i can bend my head over and no snot will come out!! ;D

so yeah, time to cram for vietnamese quiz now.

Monday, March 04, 2002

i am getting sick. daaaaaammit. you know, i really never get sick so this really sucks right now. and it's like, a weird sickness too. basically, the left side of my face is like leaking. my left nostril is all runny and my left eye keeps tearing up. i look like i've been crying -- but only with my left eye. so there's like all these tears and snot dribbling down the left side of my face. it's not pretty. it's just so weird though cuz like it's JUST my left side. maybe i'm turning into like two-face from batman. or dr. jekyll and mr. hyde. hmm.... anyway, back to studying for vietnamese now (my faaaaavorite subject). bye!

Sunday, March 03, 2002

i am getting progressively lazier as the quarter is ending. this is not a good thing. =|

days till spring break: 19.