i really have nothing to blog about. but i'm blogging anyway.
so i've been blog free for a little over a week. to update from my last entry: my "eye infection" was just a really really bad sty. i've had sties (stys?) before but never this bad. went to student health center and they prescribed me some eye ointment which worked really well and cleared my eye up by thursday. i have never loved my contacts more.
i had a midterm this morning which i didn't really study for so i don't think i did so well. it was as if i studied all this stuff and then there was the exam which had all this other stuff on it. stuff that sounded vaguely familiar but not enough to form coherent answers in my head. it's okay. i'm also blaming the prof for being a really bad teacher (i mean, c'mon, get with the program and use powerpoint already) and writing a stupid test. so, clearly, it is not entirely my fault if i do badly on this test.
anyway, i cheered myself up after class with some shopping. vendor fair is back! aww... sad that this is gonna be the last vendor fair i'll have at ucsd. so i made it worth it by buying a cute new handbag (it's reversible! brown with large pink flowers on the outside and pink corduroy on the inside) and two pairs of flip flops (both pink, of course). later in the week, i plan on buying a huge bag of kettle corn. yup. my new purchases definitely cheered me up. see? shopping is so therapeutic. although, now i have no money. but that's okay. i have pretty new things to look at. ;D
well, definitely glad the day is over. next midterm won't be for another two weeks. woohoo! and it looks like it'll be warming up this weekend so - cross your fingers - a trip to the beach may be in order. i might get to wear my new bikini! should probably wash my car again too. it's pretty disgusting. bug guts everywhere. blech.
okay, time to lie down now.