* kiss my blog

Saturday, January 05, 2002

almost forgot to mention something...

i now have motivation to get my driver's license this year: my mother's silver celica. we were walking out of TGIFriday's and back to my father's car when he noticed a silver celica parked a few cars down and pointed it out to us. when we got into the car, both he and my mother told me that if i get my license i can have my mother's car and bring it down with me to san diego next year. see, i previously thought that it would be pointless for me to get my license since i wouldn't have a car anyway, but now this just gives me motivation. ;D *imagines driving in mother's silver celica*....*imagines getting lost driving around fremont*....*imagines calling debra on cell phone in panicky voice*....

FINALLY. all done unpacking and relaxing in my pajamas in my warm apartment. only took like three hours. i'm hungry now. too lazy to go get food though so will just sit here and look at things.

HURRAH!! am back in lovely la jolla where it is, indeed, MUCH warmer than fremont. or at least, way less cold. i walked around outside today without even wearing a jacket!! ;D

anyway, left fremont super early...like around 6 am. didn't sleep the entire night. slept for most of the car ride. woke up now and then, but for the most part, i was pretty konked out. i fell asleep shortly after we left livermore and woke up to a traffic jam in santa monica. got here around 230 pm, since the traffic jam in la was pretty bad, dumped all my things in my apartment, then went to TGIFriday's with my parents for lunch. neha was here when i got here too. it was a good thing since my parents were thinking of staying with me in the apartment overnight since they thought i would be alone...which, actually, i am. neha actually just came to drop a few things off, not to stay, but shhh...my parents don't know that. so hmm...after lunch, parents dropped me off and said goodbye. then i went to go buy my books. good lord, i think i've almost maxed out my credit card. with the ebaying and new textbooks...yeah, it's pretty much almost maxed out. total came out to about $208 for three books, a folder, a notebook, poster putty (since a couple of my posters fell off the walls over break), and a GQ magazine with hugh jackman on the cover. heeheeheeeeee... ;D i couldn't resist. and i still have to get my italian book. it's on delay right now, so i gotta come back sometime during the week.

la la la...anyway, got back to the apartment, and i was walking behind this blonde girl in a red t-shirt and i didn't realize it was allyn until she started walking to her apartment door. so i yelled out her name and stopped by her apartment and talked for a bit. then went to go check my mail and guess what, my new cell phone faceplate arrived!! which is a huge surprise since it was the last thing i bought online. i expected my gap hat to come first. anyway, just switched faceplates. i love my new faceplate!! it's so cute!! :)

all right, must unpack now. room is a huge mess. oh man...our fridge is virtually empty. guess dinner is going to be doritos, pringles, and holiday cookies. yeah yeah..."eew" all you want. i'm a college student. ;D

only a few more hours here in fremont...can't wait to get back to warm(er) la jolla. even if it isn't all that much warmer, at least i can turn up the heater WHENEVER I DAMN WELL PLEASE. i'm freezing right now. :( and i'm starting to get tired now...uh-oh. what if i have hypothermia? makes you sleepy...

Friday, January 04, 2002

mmm...i want a cheeseburger. a big one. with fries. and a coke. mmm....

Thursday, January 03, 2002

"Or a Newsweek article that described recent experiments conducted to map the brain differences in men and women. The study showed that when both sexes were presented with photographs of facial expressions and asked to determine what emotion was being expressed, women were able to correctly identify a sad face ninety percent of the time on men and women. Men, of course, had more trouble with this. While they could correctly identify sadness on men's faces ninety percent of the time (big surprise), they had a seventy-percent success rate when it came to identifying sadness on women's faces. In addition, PET scans revealed that men used significantly more of their brains during this exercise than women did, and they still got fewer answers right."

animal husbandry, laura zigman.

it is currently over ten degrees warmer in la jolla than in fremont. mmmm....warm weather....well, okay, warmER weather. we're gonna be leaving EEEAAARLY saturday morning. parents wanna wake up at 5 am which is around the time i've been sleeping lately. soo...no sleep that night. will sleep in car. man, my sleep schedule's so screwed up. and i've got 9 am classes this quarter! plus, one 8 am on thursday...uurrrr... oh well. it'll be a quick cold-turkey fix.

you know, i think i'm the only one who's not too bummed about going back to classes. ooh, better finish animal husbandry before i get back. almost done with it! if i finish it before i leave, i'll have read two books for winter break!! that makes me feel extremely productive especially since my only plans, really, were to either lie in front of the tv eating things or sit in front of the computer eating things.

It hadn't happened overnight.
Those things never do.
Hope erodes slowly, over time, until you wake up one night at three o'clock in the morning and realize: I am not meant for that kind of thing.
That kind of thing:
Being the object of someone's desire.
Showing up in someone else's dreams.

animal husbandry, by laura zigman.

stupid chris vs. cherry argument #1749638210:

lilith chick: i hate remembering phone numbers.
lilith chick: i barely remember my own.
GrafTed 23: ...
GrafTed 23: that's not very good cherry
GrafTed 23: what if you were in trouble and you really had to let someone know?
lilith chick: i'd call 911.
GrafTed 23: who would eb the first person you called if you had no cell phone?
lilith chick: 911!!!
lilith chick: 911!!
GrafTed 23: ....
lilith chick: what?!
lilith chick: pay phone!
GrafTed 23: but it's nto THAT big of a situation
lilith chick: 911!
GrafTed 23: you'd just stand there and shout that?
lilith chick: okay what's my problem?
lilith chick: hello?!?
lilith chick: payphone
lilith chick: call box
GrafTed 23: hello what?
lilith chick: if i didn't have a phone
GrafTed 23: it's not that big to call 911
lilith chick: i would NOT shout out numbers
GrafTed 23: what's the first phone number you remember?
lilith chick: debra's.
lilith chick: her's is super easy
GrafTed 23: you're at a pay phone.. why do you ahve to ask so many details
GrafTed 23: okay
GrafTed 23: but tha'ts not going to help you
lilith chick: why not?
GrafTed 23: what if you're in SD
GrafTed 23: ?
lilith chick: why won't debra help me?
GrafTed 23: make HER call someone for you?
lilith chick: yes!
lilith chick: there we go
GrafTed 23: this is very bad cherry
GrafTed 23: you're goign to die
lilith chick: what?
lilith chick: who else am i supposed to c all?
lilith chick: my parents?/
lilith chick: what're they gonna do??
lilith chick: dude
lilith chick: what's my problem?
GrafTed 23: because!
lilith chick: because is not a problem.
GrafTed 23: she lives a long way away
GrafTed 23: you coudlnt' call your parents anyway
GrafTed 23: becaus eyou don't remember your home phone number
lilith chick: shut up
GrafTed 23: i'm just being realistic cherry
lilith chick: yo ucan't even think of a good situation.
GrafTed 23: the situation doesn't matter
GrafTed 23: what if you're lost?
GrafTed 23: you dont' call 911 for that
GrafTed 23: you're lost and alone
lilith chick: then how would i even call?
lilith chick: where am i lost?
GrafTed 23: cherry
GrafTed 23: you're going to kill me
lilith chick: OHMYGOSH, OKAY.
lilith chick: that's stupid, chris.
lilith chick: i'm lost and there's a payphone right next to me.
lilith chick: that just sounds really idiotic.
lilith chick: and if i was lost, how would the person i call help me??
lilith chick: it's not like i could tell them where i was since i'm lost.
lilith chick: "hello debra. i'm lost."
GrafTed 23: but you would be able to remember how you got there.. hopefully
GrafTed 23: or else NO ONE could rescue you
lilith chick: how in the world is remembering phone numbers going to help me out of THAT situation?!
GrafTed 23: because at least you could call someone to come get you
GrafTed 23: provided that you remember how you got yourself into that situation
lilith chick: um hello
lilith chick: it's me you're talking to
lilith chick: okay first of all
lilith chick: in that situation
lilith chick: knowing phone numbers is not the most important thin for me
lilith chick: knowing how the heck i got there IS!
GrafTed 23: well then you're just in big trouble arne' tyou?

Wednesday, January 02, 2002

being with my mother makes me long for a slab of smooth cement with which i can repeatedly bash my head into.

just saw kate & leopold. hugh jackman - mmmmmmm.....a dream. breckin meyer - made me laugh at his funniness long after he had finished being funny. meg ryan - aging gracefully, shall we say? anyway. good movie. mmm....huuuuuuugh jaaaaaackmaaaaaan..... damn his wife.

Tuesday, January 01, 2002

happy new year.

Monday, December 31, 2001

you know what? i think i just broke like seven of my resolutions today. numbers 1, 5, 8, 9, 10, 12, and 16. oh well. it's just new year's eve so obviously it doesn't count.

hey, look. before people start thinking i'm being a big bitchy brat for complaining and moping about the holidays without even bothering to try and organize something myself, you should know that i DID try to start a little get together but stupid me did it too late and most people either had plans or just plain didn't want to come. so i just said screw it all and when i said that i meant screw it ALL.

i'm going to go stare out the window and think about dead people now.


i am quickly learning that the holidays are not my friend(s). christmas was depressing (even though it was my birthday, which actually just amplified the depression) and new year's isn't going to be any better. i have plans to stay at home alone, drinking straight from the bottle (of sparkling cider), watching all the new year's specials on tv, and kissing...well, no one.

anyway. to add to my holiday blues, i've been having a horrible time sleeping lately. i end up tossing and turning for about two to three hours first. it's just that once my head hits the pillow all these thoughts start racing in my head. completely random thoughts that weren't in my head the second before i climbed into my bed but decided to keep me tossing and turning in my bed for the next two to three hours once i lie down.

i hate being a light sleeper. and i hate the holidays.

it is now officially new year's eve. the last day of the year 2001. so i am now going to present my new year's resolutions (in no particular order).


1. sit/stand up straight at all times.
2. get a job.
3. get my driver's license.
4. get a boob job.*
5. stop obssessing about boobs. [mine, not others.]
6. start a band.*
7. finish webpage by summer.
8. decrease number of mad, psychotic fits of loneliness by being more outgoing and going out rather than staying in eating bad things and whining on blogger.
9. be more assertive and communicative when problems arise.
10. stop bashing head on wall.
11. study in spare time rather than staring at wall for three hours.
12. stop thinking morbid, depressing thoughts about myself and/or others.
13. read all books i buy.
14. stop buying new books. [until all old books have been read.]
15. stop doing pointless, time-wasting things, like making color-coded paper clip chains.
16. stop obssessing about hair.
17. keep in touch with friends more often. [especially ones that attend the same university as me.]

* just kidding.

since i'm making lists, here's another one: a list of things i want to do before i die. no matter how farfetched it is, i just add it to the list if it's something i really want to do since, hey, why the heck not? actually, i started this one a long while ago and have been adding things to it over the months. to tell you the truth, this isn't the entire list. some of the things are a bit too personal for me to publish. anyway, here's the edited version. this is also in no particular order.


1. go bungee jumping
2. learn to ride a horse.
3. learn to fence.
4. visit italy.
5. visit the castles in england and ireland.
6. visit australia.
7. visit france.
8. trace family tree back as far as possible.
9. meet mr. right.
10. learn to water ski.
12. visit the bahamas.
13. visit hawaii.
14. learn archery.
15. learn to surf.
16. pay for parents to visit vietnam.
17. go back to vietnam.

okay, so basically, all i really wanna do before i die is travel the globe and learn cool sports.

Sunday, December 30, 2001

i really want to go back to san diego now. i realize i was complaining a while ago that i really wanted to go home, but you know what? i'm home now and i want to go back to san diego. i suppose i'm one of those people who don't want what they want once they get it. but it's more than that. i just really want to go back to san diego now. i don't like it here. i'm annoyed, frustrated, and bored. at least once class starts, i'll have that to keep my mind off other things.

ugh. i really want to go back to san diego.

hmm...i have just discovered that there's actually a name for the genre of books i've been reading: british chick lit. people use the term somewhat less than positively, but hey, who cares, i like it. bring on the british chick lit!!!