* kiss my blog

Saturday, July 20, 2002

i just had the best breakfast ever.

well, first of all, let me describe my morning to you. it was yet another glorious morning of waking up to intense, mind numbing, gut wrenching, please-kill-me-now stomach pains. but i'm a trooper so i just bore down and tried to wait it out. after about half an hour, it was pretty clear that the pain was not going away and, in fact, was getting much worse. ohmygod....the pain. what is it with me and this ridiculous body? it's not enough that i get pre-japan pain and during-japan pain, but now i have to have after-japan pain? it's just all pain, all the time. anyway, i took some ibuprofen. which helped for a good thirty seconds, then the pain just came raging back. so i thought about it for like two minutes, then went ahead and downed some vicodin. and now i am a-ok. i hope. *knocks on wood*

so. that was my breakfast. good shit.

Thursday, July 18, 2002

you know, when justin kicks, he goes for the sweet spots. yesterday, when i was carrying him, he was really hyper and squirmy and he kicked me. on my boob. the left one. oh well, that's okay, i really don't have much boob to kick anyway. but when my mother told this to his mother, she told us that the other day, justin had kicked his father too. yup, you guessed it - justin kicked his father right in his nether regions. apparently he didn't do too much damage to the family jewels since his mother is pregnant yet again. was that a gross thing to say? ah, whatever, i don't care.

oh yeah, and justin threw up like five more times. i caught it several times too. luckily though, it wasn't digested. well...yeah. he's stopped chewing! he just swallows his food now. so i caught like three grapes coming out of his mouth this one time, and another time i caught large chunks of cucumber dribbling out of his mouth. i wiped my hand on his shirt. haahahahahaha. bugger deserved it! just kidding, he's a pie. a sweetie pie. ahh...that was corny.

in other justin-related news, that boy sure can scream. he doesn't even scream in a bad way. he just....screams. it's actually really cute if you're not easily prone to migraines. ;D which i'm not, so that's good.

aaaand, i've discovered a way to make him stop crying. the minute he starts to sob, i just go nuts and pretend to bawl really loudly. that gets his attention and he just looks at me and laughs. of course, this only works when he starts to cry over little things like..."let me out of this play pen dammit." but when he starts crying over big things like, "shit, i've just fallen again and it really hurts" then fake crying to his face is just plain mean. of course, this fake crying thing can get really obnoxious especially if he doesn't stop crying so you'd then have a one-year-old and a nineteen-year-old crying.

wow, this whole blog was about justin. that's okay. he knows he's the center of everyone's universe. his poor older brother. i totally see the jealousy and can't say as i blame him. his little brother just catches everyone's attention. and he's got another little sibling coming too! poor poor duy. see, this is why i only want one child. that way i can't play favorites. well...i can, but i wouldn't really have many choices, now would i. plus, i'm an only child. i'll know how to raise my one kid up proper. starting with talking english good. ;D yeah, that was stupid. whatever.

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

oh, now this is just too funny...

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

One day, a little girl is sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink. She suddenly notices that her mother has several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast to her brunette hair. She looks at her mother and inquisitively asks, "Why are some of your hairs white, Mom?"

Her mother replied, "Well, every time that a little girl does something wrong and makes her mommy cry or makes her unhappy, one of her hairs turns white."

The little girl thought about this revelation for a while and said: "You must have really pissed off Grandma."


i had the weirdest dream during my nap today. basically i was in san francisco on a date. we went to go see a movie and i put my head on his shoulder; a few seconds later, he put his arms around me.

what makes this dream so weird is 1) all the weird, little details of the dream that i can remember and 2) who the guy is. i remember really random details of the dream like the fact that we were in san francisco and that we were seeing scooby doo. i actually remember sitting in the theater watching the movie even though i have never seen scooby doo before. and actually, i seem to remember that this movie in my dream wasn't the real scooby doo movie - it was some different version. now that's just weird. also, i remember other parts of my "date" like the guy buying the tickets and then telling me to go ahead and wait inside. and i remember doing just that - going inside and wandering around waiting for him. so then he finds me and we go inside and find a seat and start watching the movie blah blah blah.

but the funny part was when i put my head on his shoulder. why is that funny? cuz i didn't really do it for romantic reasons; i specifically remember in the dream that my head felt really heavy because i was so exhausted. and when i woke up, i felt like my head was still on his shoulder but that's only cuz it was the same side of my head that was on the pillow! okay...maybe it's not that funny, but i still thought it was. anyway...it was all really weird.

oh and incidentally, i'm not telling anyone who the guy is. it's too embarrassing.

Sunday, July 14, 2002

my body temperature is totally flipping out. i'm having these crazy hot flashes.

oh fuck, i'm freaking out. the summer semester's half over and i've done diddley squat for western civ. crap crap crap. self-paced classes really suck. argh...

okay...here comes another hot flash...