ohmygod. i'm so hyper. way too much chocolate. ahahahahahahahahahaha...
Saturday, February 14, 2004
happy valentine's day!
sadly, i am spending it alone. all the roommies have either gone home or are out. but it's okay. i've baked some chocolate chip cookie and am enjoying the peppermint chocolate chunks i bought from sweet factory on thursday. yuuuummmm.... (although i know i will pay for this tomorrow). another perk of being home alone - i can crank up my music and dance around my room like a bopping maniac and no one is here to laugh at me.
yesterday was a good day. long, but good. woke up early to go talk to parents at westminster preschool. this one father made the most inappropriate joke i've ever heard. while his wife was signing the consent form for their kid to participate in our study, i informed them that they would need to sign the back of the form as well so that we could videotape their child. the father said, "yeah, sure! as long as it's not for kiddie porn!" oh. mygod. how the heck do you respond to something like that?? i just kind of gave him a nervous laugh. but honestly, i didn't know whether to laugh or to be offended. it was weird.
anyway, after that, i dropped by campus to make an appointment to declare my degree. i was on the campus shuttle trying to get back to price center but completely spaced out and missed my stop. so i had to get off at the next stop which is in front of warren. i was like, "oh well, it's just a short walk back to price center." little did i know that there was massive construction blocking the most direct route. so i had to walk aaaaaaaall the way around and under the engineering building to get back to price center. i felt dumb. especially since i'm a senior. oh well.
hit the mall afterwards to look for some shoes to match my gorgeous new skirt. mission failed. i did get some pretty new undies though. sexay. sort of ran into helen at the mall. shopped for a bit. then decided to go to pacific beach to shop some more with helen. it was great. i love pb. i also love helen. had a late lunch (early dinner?) at moondoggies and another great conversation with helen. that just made my day.
and now it is today. another ho hum valentine's day for the crazy spinster lady. i totally should be studying since i have a midterm on tuesday and another one on thursday, but frankly, my dear, i don't give a damn. i put up all my pictures on yahoo. i will link it up later when yahoo decides to function properly again and i can finish captioning everything.
la la la... i am going home in five days. :)
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
wow. okay, melissa etheridge's new cd, lucky, is awesome. i love it!! it's perfect. i feel like this album could be like, the soundtrack to my life right now. amazing.
you know, i've suddenly realized that i'm very into female artists. the last four cds i bought have all been female artists (liz phair, nelly furtado, norah jones, melissa etheridge). i think it's because the music i like the best is the type that i can relate to. and it feels like these women are just singing all the thoughts i have in my head. does that sound insane? oh well. i'm really tired. don't make sense any more.
so, g'nite!
so about ten minutes after that last blog, we had a blackout. and me being the big baby scaredy-cat i am, immediately cried out, "SANAZ!! I'M SCARED!!" hey. for some people, the darkness can be a very scary thing. so then i got off my chair and blindly crawled towards my nightstand where i knew my flashlights were. mel, sanaz, and i then started to go about the house lighting candles. figures that once we got a good amount of them lit, all the power would come back on. stupid. and we JUST had a blackout at like 2 pm today too. when i got home, i had to reset all my clocks. now i have to do it AGAIN. stupid stupid stupid.
whatever. i'm hungry. time to go eat. bye.
it has been a long ass day.
or at least, it feels like it has. going to backtrack a little and blog about yesterday afternoon. mel and i went and got our hair done. she got a perm and i got a cut and highlights. the highlights were sort of impulsive. and my hair actually isn't even that much shorter. but that's probably a good thing. i tend to get a little overzealous when i get haircuts and usually wind up cutting my hair much too short. and the highlights... will just take some time to get used to because i haven't done that in a while. on the other hand, mel's perm came out preeeeetty. i think i just really like it because she has so much hair. makes her look really feminine (not that she looked manly to begin with, of course).
so anyway, today. went to the cliffs this morning with mel to pay our respects. hard to believe but it's been three years. it was an absolutely gorgeous day today. not a cloud in the sky and the water was so clear that you could see the ocean floor. it's always a little ironic whenever we visit that spot because it's just the most beautiful view you've ever seen yet at the same time, the reason we're there is a sad one. anyway, we left some flowers and stayed for a few minutes then left for class.
class was blah as usual. well actually, in my psych of emotions of class, we had the love & attachment lecture today. very interesting... watched the video of harry harlowe's study with the rhesus monkeys and the wire and cloth mothers. rhesus monkeys are the cutest monkeys ever. i want one. anyway, after class, i had to go to the lab meeting which was super boring as usual. got to eat a big pink heart-shaped cookie with my name written on it. one of the girls in the lab made one for everyone. how sweet. after i left campus, i went to target to get the norah jones and melissa etherdige cds. i'm listening to norah jones right now and i just feel so much more relaxed. then went over to toys r us to buy some more stickers for the preschoolers. seriously, why is it so hard to find stickers? i mean, c'mon. i must've spent like 45 minutes just looking for freaking stickers. yeah, that sort of irritated me.
i don't know why this day felt so long. maybe it's because at the lab meeting we were going over what we were going to do for the rest of the week and a little bit of next week and i feel like i've got a ton of stuff to do. but i asked for those extra hours since i'm going to be going home next week (nine days!) so i need to make up for the time i'll miss. plus, i need to start studying for my midterms next week. i have been doing nothing school-wise for the past like, week and a half. bad cherry. oh well.
so yeah. now i'm all tired and blah. but enjoying the new norah jones cd so far. her music is just the type of music i would listen to while waking up on a beautiful, lazy sunday morning. just lying in bed, staring out the window daydreaming, and listening to her soothing voice. it's already making this day feel not as bad.
Monday, February 09, 2004
i love kids.
i mean, seriously. these preschoolers are just the cutest little kids. this morning, i tested a rambunctious four year old girl (erika) and a shy three year old boy (nathan) and i love them both. i love how happy and curious and full of life they are. i waaaant ooooone.
when i first met erika, i told her my name was cherry and she said, "like the cherry on top of a dessert!!" ahhhh! so cute!! and throughout the experiment, she would just randomly meow at me. she was so talkative and bouncy too. actually made it a little difficult to keep her on task, but that's okay. hahaha, she made fun of one of the other experimenter's name too. she didn't mean to, of course, but it was funny. one of the other experimenter's name is mieke (pronounced "meeka") and erika said, "mieke?! that's a funny sound!!" hahahaha... nathan was adorable too. really shy, but after the little ball of energy that was erika, it was a welcome change.
sigh. happiness.
Sunday, February 08, 2004
i just went shopping and i bought the most beautiful skirt ever.
seriously, i am so in love with it. i'm wearing it right now. it's beeaaauuutiful. and, of course, to top it all off, i had the perfect top for it just sitting in my closet. it's like fashion kismet. it's even making me sit straighter right now. i love it.
okay, yeah. that's all. i just had to gush about it. i'm done.