* kiss my blog

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

this is what happened today:

1. i saw some guy fall off his bike today and i laughed at him.
2. sanaz's car battery died due in part to my stupidity.

first, the guy falling off his bike. okay, if you've been watching the news, you know that there's a storm in socal right now (moved down from norcal. thanks, norcal). so the ground is pretty wet, right? you think that would be enough to make people on bikes go a LITTLE BIT slower. nope, not this guy. not only was he zooming and swerving around on a wet ground, but the bastard cut me off!! totally zoomed right in front of me! granted, i should've been paying a bit more attention, but c'mon, i didn't even see him coming! and then two seconds after he cut me off, his bike slipped and he went crashing down. ahh...karma. he almost crashed into these two guys though - a student and his father. the student actually physically picked up his father and moved him out of the way just as the guy on the bike crashed preventing his father from getting hurt. sort of heroic actually. and then the student helped the idiot moron guy on his bike up. what a nice guy. all the while i just stood there and laughed. okay, so maybe not out loud. still though, i was amused. that's what you get for cutting me off, buddy!!

okay, and...the funniest part of the day: sanaz's car battery died in the regents parking lot. okay, that really isn't that funny. well, it is, it's just not "haha" funny, it's more like a pained funny. see, sanaz accidentally left her car lights on this morning. yes, that was stupid, but the stupidest part comes later and, as usual, i am involved. anyway, she realized it on the shuttle on the way to campus. since she got out of class at 1230 and i got out at 930, i offered to go back and check. so she gave me her car keys and told me how to turn off the lights. yes, she had to tell me how to turn off the lights because, while this is totally obvious to everyone who knows me, i do not own a car. not only that, i do not drive. okay, whatever, i don't have a license. anyway, my class ended at 930 so i hopped back onto the shuttle to go back to the parking lot. took me a while to find sanaz's car but i found it and once i did, i stood in front of it. and looked at the headlights. and looked and looked and looked. and they really did not look on!! how was i supposed to know i should've gone INTO the car and checked? i mean, really. so, yes, you guessed it, the lights really were on and i'm a moron for not going into the car. and so the car battery inevitably died. and i flagged down these three girls to help us jump start the car. we managed to do it with only a bit of trouble - one of the other girls is very brave. and yes, we did get amused stares from guys walking by. probably thought we couldn't do it, but HAH, we did!! well, it was mostly just the other girl. but still.

anyway, we got home all right. we were a bit unsure what to do, we thought we might have to have the battery replaced. so i called pep boys to see how much a battery replacement would cost. here's where i manage to become stupider. the conversation went a little like this...

pep boys guy: what kind of car is it?
me: it's an '89 mazda.
pep boys guy: and what model is it?
me: umm...mazda...?
pep boys guy: no, what's the model?
me: uhhhmmm....it's just a mazda.
pep boys guy: okay, but what model is it?

at this point, i finally asked sanaz. just for future reference, it's a 626. ;D anyway, whatever, don't need to get the battery replaced. it should be fine. still though, i feel stupid. like, REALLY stupid. perhaps stupider than usual. ahh well...such is my life. one stupid moment after the next. followed by more stupid moments. stupid moments, ad nauseam.

Sunday, February 23, 2003

good lord. i just noticed all those comments down below on my angry vagina. hahaha...where did all these people come from??

oh, no, my mother does not read my blog. she can barely read english. so i think she might have a bit of difficulty with my blog where i successfully manage to eschew the english language. what does eschew mean? did i use it correctly? i think i did.

and, yes, i seriously stood on my swivel chair. i am just far too lazy to walk all the way to the kitchen to grab a stationary chair. and hey, it's worked before. really. although, later after i fell, sanaz did tell me, "i was just waiting for that to happen."

and, i just feel obliged to link to a one dawn olsen since she linked to me in one of her entries and is partially responsible for all the new weirdos - i mean cool people - now reading my blog. really, i don't know why it surprises me so much that strangers read my blog. i mean, this IS the internet. i just sometimes forget about it. the internet thing, that is.