* kiss my blog

Saturday, February 02, 2002

i need to punch someone. i know exactly who too. i have never been so pissed off in my life until i started living here this year. i need to punch the hypocrite and the liar.

i used to be so weak. the rare times i got mad, i wanted to cry (and i usually did). but now i'm so mad that all i want to do is hit someone or throw something or scream at the top of my lungs. i read this book (getting over it by anna maxted) where the main character got soooo frustrated one day that she went into her room, closed the door, sat on her bed, and screamed this feral, primal scream at the top of her lungs. she screamed and screamed until her roommates came running into the room thinking that she was being murdered. that's what i want to do.

Friday, February 01, 2002

hi. i'm exhausted. did nothing of any real interest today. went to class. came back from class. started the great apartment hunt. wasn't bad. went to ikea, costco, and walmart afterwards. THAT was exhausting. my feet were killing me because i was trying to break in my new black boots. and....i just removed my old toenail polish, cut my toenails, and put on a fresh coat of my usual toenail polish color - dark purple that everyone mistakes for black. yeah...probably gonna go to bed early tonight because i'm exhausted. gotta get up tomorrow and continue the great apartment hunt. uuugh...oh well, it's okay.

Thursday, January 31, 2002


on a bad note: hi, my name is cherry and i am a shop-a-holic. i really need to get some self-control here. i shouldn't be so loose with my wallet. =| especially since i don't have a job. geez. i need help.

i need to vent. i need my punching bag to be filled. i need to start a rock band and write some "harsh" songs and sing them at the top of my lungs and play my instrument till my hands bleed.

you know what? i really don't get how someone can be so DELUDED and think that her lies are the truth. wow...amazing.

PiXybReTh (12:40:17 AM): ok
PiXybReTh (12:40:23 AM): i'm going to go
PiXybReTh (12:40:28 AM): you freak of nature
PiXybReTh (12:40:37 AM): i mean you very special lady

the inner bitch has been unleashed. beware if you are the cause of my wrath.

you know what's funny? i'm really not a mean person. at all. but i've been pushed lately. and when push comes to shove, i don't give a shit what certain people think about me.

Wednesday, January 30, 2002

BRING IT ON!!!! (no, not the movie)

bring it. i'm ready to unleash the inner bitch.

Tuesday, January 29, 2002

yeah...that vietnamese exam definitely kicked my ass. i just hope my teacher won't burst into hysterics again and decide to kick ME.

kicked stat midterm's ass. but am about to be kicked in ass by vietnamese exam.

Monday, January 28, 2002

okay okay, i KNOW i just said i would get back to studying, but i have to share with you this moment of silliness.

apparently, sanaz and one of her friends (amy??) think that the cruelest word in the english dictionary is "lisp" because those who have it, can't say it [they would end up saying "lithp"]. i've heard that joke somewhere too, but somehow, coming from sanaz, it's just so much funnier. now she's going around making all these stupid, but funny, jokes about lisps. it's kind of mean, but just really funny because she can't stop laughing when she says it. she just came in here and said (in between cackles), "hey, if you were a librarian with a lisp, you would have to say 'ttthhhh!!'" (you know, instead of "shhh!!") now, the only reason i started laughing is because she was already laughing so hard. so then she left, and like thirty seconds after she left, i thought of something and started laughing really hard and had to share it with sanaz and ben so i went outside to the living room and said to sanaz, "hey, if you had a lisp, your name would be thanath." and we all just bust up laughing even though this is the stupidest thing ever. ahhhh...oh well. hehe. ;D

now, i'm REALLY going back to study. right.

chrispy ha: i believed you!! [or something to that effect, i don't remember what she said *exactly*]

cherry, have you no idea how many people believed you?! i was seriously wondering there! >_< *whew*
posted by *ding* at 9:00 PM

heeheehee....sorry. ;D

uuuuuugh, i'm so sick of statistics. and i haven't even started studying for vietnamese yet. can we say shit, cherry is screwed?

you know...i was just sitting on my bed studying for my stat midterm tomorrow and i decided to stick a cd in my discman and listen to some music. so i pulled out sarah mclachlan's fumbling towards ecstasy and i realize that i love sarah mclachlan. i haven't listened to her songs in so long, which is maybe why i enjoyed it so much just now, but still. i love sarah mclachlan. brings back good memories of lilith fair too. sarah mclachlan is just so awesome. she is the best!! :) i have a stat midterm and a vietnamese exam tomorrow, but i'm hardly stressing when i'm listening to her music. that's how awesome she is. definitely no one else like her.

okay, just wanted to take a small break from studying to praise the beautiful, wonderful, amazing sarah mclachlan. everyone should go listen to her now. now!

ooh!! i forgot to mention in my last blog...the fair is here! the fair is here! hello, mr. atm. goodbye, cash.

hey, i can't believe i blogged twice today and i forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANAZ!!!! so...happy birthday, sanaz. ;D the last one of us to turn 19...yeah, she's a young un'.

okay...um...i have a little confession. you know that blog i wrote on friday night/saturday morning regarding a certain onstage lesbian kissing and orgy? well, there WERE girls at the sum 41 concert who were onstage making out with one another (like, tongue-down-throat making out. yeah, it was a little..weird. mostly because most of the girls didn't even KNOW each other.) and freaking each other....but....i was not one of those girls, nor was sanaz. it was all just a big lie. okay, here's the thing...it started off as sanaz's idea to, you know, have a little fun with ben. sorry ben. but your reaction was classic, totally priceless. sorry. "i wonder about cherry...." hahahahaahahahaha....sorry. anyway...i blogged about it because i knew ben would read it and then i started thinking...well, i wonder how many *other* people will believe me? so i left it up and put something in my info and just well, yeah, i've gotten some interesting reactions. you know what's really funny? all the people who instantly believed me were guys.

now i want everyone to tell me the truth: did YOU believe me? don't worry, i won't be offended or anything (i'm not as insecure with my sexuality as guys are. ;D), i just want to know if you believed my blog or not.

hi. i'm skipping vietnamese again. i really shouldn't do this too often. but i just don't feel like going (again) today. so...yeah.

oh, and i have decided to drop psycholinguistics. that class is just not interesting to me at all. the lectures make no sense whatsoever. i'm so disappointed though because i thought that class would be really interesting. but it turns out that it focuses more on the linguistics aspect rather than the psychology aspect which i don't like (since it's primarily grammar that we're learning at the moment and grammar is just gross). i'm also annoyed that i missed the date to sell back books to the bookstore so now i have to wait till they offer the class again and try to sell my book back to someone then, assuming, that is, that they'll use the same book. grrr...and i also spent like hecka money to make copies of these articles the professor put on reserve at the library. i spent like $10 making copies! geez. speaking of the professor, i don't much care for him either. his lectures are too fast-paced and make absolutely no sense at all.

well...on the bright side of things, this means i don't have to take the midterm this thursday and it also makes my finals schedule a lot nicer. originally, i had two finals back to back on the friday of finals week - stat from 8 am to 11 am, then psycholinguistics from 1130-230. i won't be going nuts on thursday night trying to study for two finals. plus, i'd have more time on friday to pack and clean and whatnot since my flight is at 730 pm. and, well...it'll just make my quarter easier all-around. but then again, i feel guilty for only taking three classes; i feel like i'm wasting my time or something. but then again (yeah, i realized i just said that twice), i don't REALLY need to be taking psycholinguistics. yeah, it's an upper-div psych class, but i don't have to take this particular one. i only chose this one because it wasn't full and it didn't require stat as a prereq unlike every other upper-div psych class and i just wanted a fourth class so i wouldn't feel guilty for only taking three AND i thought it would be interesting. i was actually excited to take this class. goes to show you what an absolute dork/geek/retard i am. and now i'm sitting here writing a really boring blog that everyone's going to skip reading. if you've gotten down this far, i salute you. well, no, not really, i just think you're cool.

anyway...i just had to write about this because you know how things seem clearer sometimes when you just write about something? maybe not, but this helps a little. i'm going to go drop the class now. bye psycholinguistics.

okay. i'm okay now. please don't be scared of me (if you are not the object of my anger, that is). i went to go see my therapist, melissa, and i'm better. unfortunately, it took time away from my homework which i must do now. i haven't even started studying for my stat midterm yet and it's (technically) tomorrow. shit. okay, must finish italian summary now, bye.

Sunday, January 27, 2002

i hate self-absorbed, selfish hypocrites. and yes, i do know of at least one person who fits that description perfectly. i don't give a shit who's reading this.

i hate to sound like a nagging, anal bitch but if you push me, that's what you'll get. you know what? i have three exams this week: two midterms and a test. stat midterm and vietnamese exam are both on tuesday. so i'm quite busy. but i've still done my chores. unlike some people (god, that's such a bitchy line, but i don't care), i am responsible and do my freaking chores. you know what? i'm tired too. i'm taking sleeping pills for christ's sake. and i'm sick and tired of all of the excuses and all of this shit.

yeah, i'm a little resentful. bet you couldn't tell.

just got back from the comedy sportz club for sanaz's birthday. it's a comedy club that does "competitive improv" like "whose line is it anyway?" WITH points. ;D honestly, i didn't really expect much, but i was wrong; it was awesome!! totally hysterical. it was like, slap-the-knee funny. yes, i did slap my knee. :) i loved it, had a lot of fun tonight despite getting lost on the way. and guess what? they have a place in santa clara! HAVE to bring you guys (you, uh, norcal guys) to it one day. you guys'll love it, i promise.

oh, and there was this one guy player on the red team that was "precious" according to amy, sanaz's friend. he was kinda cute, i must admit. caught my eye. ;) but then again, it seems to me that a lot of girls don't share my tastes in guys. oh well. i liked him. i dub thee "dimple boy." he had great dimples. and, of course, he was hilarious. :) there was this other guy on the blue team, older, who reminded the other girls of jon stewart. didn't think he was cute or anything, but he was REALLY funny. like, even during the "punny" competition where all they do is make up really corny jokes (man, melissa would have gone nuts), he was super-duper funny. ahhh...yeah, had a lot of good laughs. so, everyone...GO TO A COMEDY SPORTZ CLUB NEAR YOU!!! here, this will help.

okay, must change clothes and make another small dent at my workload. :( help.